[QBCore] RK Crafting | Weapon Crafting

Elevate your FiveM Roleplay server experienc
e with our Advanced Weapon Crafting System. A holistic approach to weapon crafting, bringing together robust categories, a user-centric UI, and real-time stats enhancements.

Crafting Features
  • Crafting Categories:

    • Ammo Crafting: Dive deep with customizable ammunition types.
    • Handgun Creation: Create handguns with specific characteristics.
    • Assault Rifles: Craft powerful assault rifles with unique attributes.
  • Dynamic User Interface: A UI that seamlessly integrates with QBCore, offering real-time stats adjustments as you craft.

  • Weapon Statistics: Customizable stats including:

    • Damage
    • Range
    • Fire Rate
    • Accuracy
  • Crafting Details: Every weapon and ammo type comes with a detailed list of ingredients and requirements.

Config = {}

Config.Logo = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1001549575066226728/1135063062261530634/logoSHOP.png"
Config.ItemsPath = "qb-inventory/html/images"
Config.DumpsterCooldown = 30 * (60000)
Config.Dumpsters = {
Config.DumpsterItems = {

Config.Table = GetHashKey("prop_tablesaw_01")
Config.Locations = {
    ["example"] = vector4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Config.CraftTime = 30 * (1000)
Config.Crafting = {
    ["ammo_item"] = {
        category = "ammo",
        requirements = {
            ["gunpowder"] = 1,
            ["steel"] = 3
    ["weapon_weaponname"] = {
        category = "category", -- Can be handgun, rifle.
        description = "",
        stats = {
            [0] = 0, -- Damage
            [1] = 0, -- Range
            [2] = 0, -- Fire Rate
            [3] = 0  -- Accuracy
        requirements = { -- Max of 4 items for each craft (Over 4 will automatically be removed).
            ["itemname"] = 1

Preview here
Purchase Now (Escrow)
Purchase Now (Open Source)

Details Specification
Access Frontend, Config
Subscription No
Code Length (approx.) ~16000 lines
Required Framework QBCore
Support Available

Other scripts by RK Studios
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[FREE] [ESX] Weapon Selling
[FREE] [QBCore] Shoe Stealing
[PAID] [QBCORE] Advanced Hospital Script
RK Studios HUD [NeverLand Inspired]
Advanced Anti-Cheat - Secure Multiplayer

IS this still for sale? i was wondering how i can buy this script

Yes this is still for sale, I’ll update the links.

But I recommend you to buy the V2 which works & looks way better
Open source