[QBCore] kk-doorlock optimized doorlock system with GTA doorlocksystem

btw i can confirm this works on new update qbcore.
local QBCore = exports[‘qb-core’]:GetCoreObject()

Awesome! Lol I’ve had to add that line to a few scripts to make them work properly.

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Dude awesome job! Goat.

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awesome preview i fell in love !
How can I find out the coordinates and models of door locks?

You have admin painel in game, you can see from there. Tab is dev options i think is the last one.

Hi i use this one

hello! sorry i may just be dumb, but this is 1000% better than default qb-doorlocks, but i cant seem to figure out how to set the doors that need to be thermited
, like every other door locks but those, any ideas?

So what you are saying is, that some doors can’t be locked?
Or they just doesn’t do anything?

Well to be fair, i was just an idiot,
Some of my object coords were a tad off, so i got them to lock, but have not been able to test all the features, if the doors are locked will the normal qb functions
Still work with this plugin? Lock-picking thermite etc?

Yep :smiley:
Those functions work.

sorry to bug you, i literally have used this and it changed my life, its literally perfect and works so good. i had it working 100%, tried to add something odd, it got messed up so i deleted it, but now i am getting this error… i cant find literally anything wrong in my config, any ideas?

Can you send you config.lua, the error is probably in there :smiley:

Se if this works
config.lua (48.3 KB)

I also made a fix to doors having multible owners
So download the new client.lua and it should work.

that seemed to work! thank you! any idea what i did wrong for future reference?

unfortunately not found how to work. If you have it ready, is it you?

unfortunately not found how to work. If you have it ready, is it you? I wonder if it doesn’t work with hash code :frowning:

You have to use the prop name

How can I find the name of the door models of modded maps? I don’t know much about code

gabz vs

Use this website
Just paste the doorhash and it will tell you the prop name