[QBCORE] [FREE] km-lockbox Police Vehicle Lockbox!


[QB] KM-Lockbox

Free QBCore lockbox for police vehicles.


  • QB-radial menu integration.
  • Each vehicle has its own lockbox based on its license plate.
  • Saves items after the restart and if it goes into a garage.
  • Simple and clean.
  • Job-oriented (what makes it locked to other players).
  • Also can use /lockbox to access the stash.



Download here

Other Scripts
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could you make this work with ESX Legacy and ox_inventory ?

I’m currently busy on another project as of right now. Once I find the time I will give my attempt at it. I haven’t really tried making anything with ESX but I will try to get it done soon :slight_smile:

id be happy to test and help make it if you wanted to team up :slight_smile:

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Hi, i have run into a problem /lockbox command works but the radial menu seems to be missing the lockbox button.

. I have tried it on all police vehicles but nothing works. Can you help

any script errors? Also dumb question but is your job set to police?

Yes, my job is set to police, and no script errors.

Yeah, I’m not sure what the problem is, I just installed it on a fresh qb-core server and I had no issues. A fix around this would be to go into the qb-radialmenu config.lua and add this code somewhere under line 568 where it says [“Police”] = {

        }, {
            id = 'open_lock_box',
            title = 'Open Lockbox',
            icon = 'lock',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'km-lockbox:client:getstash',
            shouldClose = true

Then just make sure your brackets and stuff are set up right cuz it will cause a script error. This is just a manual way to add the menu option. In-game it’s now going to be under the work option in the radial menu.

Thank you i will try that. I might update to the latest qbcore and see if my version is bugged…

Works perfectly with that now thank you. I have also updated to the new qbcore so i will check if it works on there too without needing that code…
Edit: Tried it on the newest QBCore turns out my radial menu i had did not have the export to do such a thing but fixed now thanks for such an amazing resource.

really hoping a esx version of this comes

Any plans for a feature where crims can attempt to break into the lockbox using certain tools?

Great idea! Will start working on that!

figured it might be a nice option to have in a config, perhaps even allowing us to choose what they need to attempt to break in, but it is a nice way of balancing the system for economy servers where PD want to protect certain items but it doesn’t mean its 100% safe, otherwise I could see this being abused by officers not wanting to lose certain items

another thing, maybe an option to set discord webhook for logs of items going in/out of lockbox similar to normal QB logs for gloveboxes

Does this work ox inventory?