[PAID][QBCore] Flight Simulator - KM-Pilotjob ( Fly for Money! )[JOB]

(QB) KM-Pilotjob

Purchase Here $7.50!

Version 1.0

I decided to create this script because of the lack of cool jobs, they are all the same regardless of which framework you use and can get repetitive. This script also may come repetitive but will also give users the ability to transport real players for money as well and when not transporting real players, will give the employee an experience that seems somewhat real. I will also provide support for anyone that needs it. Fly safe!

Showcase Video


  • A Pilot Job
  • Configurable options
  • Opportunity for RP
  • Paid job for people to get money in a fun
  • Simple and easy
  • 3 locations ( Sandy Shores, LSIA, and Fort Zancudo )
  • Cant abuse the locations
  • Parking deck where you drop off the plane after a job
  • Map Blips
  • Clean UI
  • Support will be available
  • Cheap

Config Preview


Resource Monitor



  • qb-target
  • PolyZone
  • qb-menu
  • qb-radialmenu
  • qb-phone
  • textUI from here

Future Updates

  • Adding helicopter missions
  • XP system
  • Multiple Location Jobs
  • More small improvements

Other Scripts
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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800+
Requirements QBcore, qb-target, polyzone, qb menu, qb-radialmenu
Support No

Make it esx please

nice idea

This is exactly what i was looking for! :grinning: is there option in config to change how many npcs board the plane? also would i be able to use a larger plane, Ie say 747 :rofl:

As of right now, there is no option for how many passengers boards because of the number of seats on the plane. I can help you change that though if you can figure out how many people can board a 747 in game. And yes you can use custom planes, you just need to edit the plane hash!

Ok great, i am almost debating to ask if you would mind making me a more custom version of this? what i am looking for is a flight sim like you have here but with the A333 aircraft, which is around the same size as a 747, i realy want to use this aircraft as its our only british airways commercial jet we have :smile: im yet to work out how many npc’s it can hold but im thinking maybe 30 would do for what i am looking for, One thing i am unsure on is how you have the drop off locations, What i would like is to be able to start at one airport get the first 30 onboard, then once onboard the marker activates to then take them to another airport and some get off and more get on… and kind of do this until all passengers are where they need to be, Kind of like how the qb-busjob works when collecting and droping off its passengers. Please let me know if this is something you could do :grinning:

1 Like

How challenging would it be to add Cayo to one of the airport locations?


I keep getting this error, currently using LegacyFuel

Is it possible to make it work without qb-target? Would we get support for converting the script?

Thats a super cool idea ! :open_mouth: did you get any news of that and if the answer is yes i would definetely buy it right now ! :smiley:

i keep getting this error any help?

Is the script still functional with latest QBCore and is support still offered?

Is the script still functional with newer QBCore? Is support still offered?