Hello, the level system works as follows.
Actually, how you use it is up to you, for example, you can send an email that allows the person who committed a robbery to gain a level. To do this, you can access the necessary information from documentation or open source code.
You can see that there are some categories in the application called Gunbasket.com (market). Along with the level system, you can set the level requirements for these categories. This way, you can sell more valuable items in higher categories. But to buy these items, they will need to have a certain level, meaning they need to prove themselves.
Adding a level is done by using metadata in the qbcore on the ESX side. You can easily add a level by creating a code block like the example below. Additionally, you can send the level mail that I mentioned and is available in the video using this event.
-- Level mail example
-- Client side
-- Server side code
RegisterNetEvent('exampleaddlevelwertblackmarket', function()
local src = source
local ply = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
if not ply then return end
ply.Functions.SetMetaData("wertblackmarketlevel", 100) -- 100 Example level if you want change your think
Note : I have also forgotten to add this to the documentation, and it has probably been added while you are reading this.
Awesome script, 3 ideas i have to make the script better. 1 remove the email if it not needed for any reason people get very worried about that or will use fake emails. 2 have it so they can save their login information and last but not least 3 add the ability to make phone calls.
Your ideas are great, I’m always continuing to improve all my scripts, these are great ideas, this script will also improve over time by getting some new updates
great script few suggestions maybe add a job restriction option as well that way plugs can only access their items, a time restriction where we can manage the time the black market is opened and a cool down option once the person uses the market once they can not access it for days,hours or minutes to limit and give a realistic feeleing
Hello, thank you for the ideas. All of our products are being actively updated and new features are being added. Taking these ideas into account, we have taken our notes. We are grateful for your attention