[QBCore/ESX] Vehicle Shop (Dealership) HUD 2.0 [Paid Resource]

Anyone got this error after buying an car and try to store? [script:esx_advancedg] esx_advancedgarage: a81db2bc150b10b2a949acc49fb9012e88259ab3 attempted to store an vehicle they don’t own!

show me your table owned_vehicles

I believe esx_advancedgarage does not accept - on vehicle plates

Open Config file and set Config.PlateUseSpace = false

http://prntscr.com/1s5e87z here, i can store the car now after change it to false but i can’t find the car in my garage now

Back to true; Replace line 17 to

generatedPlate = string.upper(GetRandomLetter(Config.PlateLetters) .. ' ' ..  GetRandomNumber(Config.PlateNumbers))

Thanks after i’m buying a cars , there are in the database name unknown and category null so i can’t find them

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can I get some help?

script error @esx_deleasrhip/client/client.lua:499: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘_u’)

check that this file is loading correctly in esx_dealership/fxmanifest.lua


Today I made the Dealership version (2.0) available for QBCore (Qbus)

FOR QBCore → Luminous Development | Dealership HUD [QBCore] 2.0 (tebex.io) for $30.00

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anyone help im gettin this error

[script:esx_dealershi] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_dealership/server/server.lua:17: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)

when i enter the menu nothing shows up…hlp im desperate

you need change the line 17 to

local firstname = result.firstname

could you please send me where you did photos, as im adding the tuner build cars to it and how you did the photos so that they look similar

I downloaded the photos from this site GTA:Vehicle Models - alt:V Wiki

anyone has the rbg codes for qb-core / client / function.lua ? after new update rbg not saving anymore :confused:

Try it

functions.lua (20.7 KB)

nope i get that error on picture when im taking out of garage :confused:

functions.lua (20.7 KB)
try again

Thanks a lot dude, appreciate it alot. :star_struck: it worked

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I still get this problem even after the resource being named that.

Are you sure it’s the same error?