[QBCore/ESX] Better Blackjack

This resource provides fully editable better blackjack script with UI.

Script provides

  • Responsive blackjack UI
  • Secure from exploits
  • No obfuscation (fully editable)
  • Performance friendly

Preview: Click

Buy here: QBCore Version
Buy here: ESX Version

Script is NOT IP locked or obfuscated.
Requirements: None

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3500
Requirements qbcore / esx
Support Yes

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Does this have multiplayer functionality? Multiple people can sit at a table?

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Yes of course.

When will the ability for multiple tables to be spawned added?

Hey @szefncio , Are you planning to make more games for the casino?, Would be interested in buying them.

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Maybe, I dont have much time rn but i will consider it.

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Any chance to make wins take from a society balance and loses go to society?

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@Kravis_TV sure. If you do not know how to do it i can do if for you.

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How many decks are there and is it random?


@mason47 Yes it is random, and the decks are unlimited.

It’s using table already spawned ?


@MisterFrazz You can easily configure or change that in config

will this work in any Casino Interior?

@jevii of course! You can place the tables whereever you want to or assign NPC’s to exisitng ones!

Is it possible to set a max Bet amount?

@ajc-services Yes, of course.