[QBCore] DayZ Progressbar

This resource is a progressbar for QBCore inspired by DayZ progressbar.


Buy here: Tebex

Script is NOT IP locked or obfuscated.
Requirements: QBCore

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements qbcore
Support Yes

My other releases:

[QBCore] Better Progressbar


script looks nice and the price is totaly fine…
Good work

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Good work, minimal and beautiful

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good design but i buyed and it wasnt working added you on discord and tyoed to you but you removed me frim friends the code is kinda scuffed and there is random background color in css whats makes player screen blaccker

@gllorysz Screen is not getting blacker, i might forgot to delete some css but it is not included in html.
If you don’t understand the code or have some trouble just add me to friends, i didn’t remove anybody so you added wrong person.
And to be honest with you if you follow the steps in README it works like a charm.
As i said, add me if you have any trouble with the script, so i can help you with that.