[QBCORE/ESX/ANY] Motorhomes / RV's

Simple Homes On Wheels

This will enable you and your players to have simple homes on the road. With features similar to most home resources on FiveM.
This doesn’t add any extra unnecessary network events, and can be customized to fit perfectly in any framework (Even standalone if you want)!

It also comes with 4 motorhomes to get you started and configurations for three others made by GodzGift, RedSaint, and RiME557

Some of the features currently

  • Stashes that can be configured to fit any framework
  • Wardrobe that can be configured to fit any framework
  • Door system that can support door ID’s or extra ID’s
  • Lock/Ownership system that can be configured to fit with with any vehicle key system
  • Lockpick/Forced system that can be configured for multiple police jobs or enable civilian
    • enable/disable and configure the item name
    • enable/disable and configure a command instead
    • configure item removal on minigame failure
    • integrate failure, usable item, removal function into any framework
    • configure any police dispatch system
    • configure auto lock time after a successful lockpick
  • Modify keybinds for interactions
  • Enable/Disable auto lock stash on player drop / server disconnect
  • Add or change configured motorhomes with a command to get offsets to quickly setup new vehicles.
  • Optimized with a small network footprint (Doesn’t spam ever player on the server with unnecessary network events)
    Runs 0.00 Idle, and 0.00-0.05 when in close proximity of a configured motorhome’s interaction location (1.0-1.5 meters)

A simple system packed with so many possibilities.

Example Of Interaction
Example Of Forced Entry



Setup / Install


Other Resources

Trucking Job
Advanced Trailers

Code is accessible Partial
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 900+
Requirements ox_lib, lockpick (Can setup any lockpick minigame), QBCore/ESX (Can setup any framework… even standalone)
Support Yes
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Ox Target support?

There likely wouldn’t be any target support as it might be a pain to some users to third eye in such a confined space and the need to constantly create a zone and delete it as the vehicle moves to a different location. I may add targeting to the vehicle itself for other options such as enabling/disabling different extras. But I have yet to come across any RVs that have any extras to make it worthwhile.

bro is making the best scripts ever :sob::pray::fire:

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So is this just a clone of this script ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzJQHhdhU9E
or what is different etc ?

So what you’re suggesting is, if anyone makes a resource that achieves something similar that someone else created is a “clone” if that were the case, then nothing new would get released. Performance speaks for itself. Not to mention the ability to customize it far beyond what the other resource you linked appears to offer. I encourage you to try it for yourself :slight_smile:

You’re more than welcome to glance the documentation and compare the two resources, or join a server that currently utilizes it

Your the Dev, i was asking what the differences are or similarities as it has the same presentation i.e the vehicles used, the text/interaction locations etc etc, and i want to support good scripts so i was asking what yours offered compared to this other version in terms of features and changes or improvements etc, because if its literally the same as far as the interactions etc then yeah it would be a clone, but if you changed or improved or even added enhanced features then your would have a superior version of this script/idea, so instead of being so quick to pull up my use of the word clone when your video and the quasar video doesnt have much in the way of differences and instead realise i was merely asking what yours offered this would of been a much more pleasent interaction than it coming off like your defencive just because i asked a question on the difference or reason to explore one script over the other. many thanks

No one is being defensive, it’s somewhat insulting to call someone’s work a mere clone of someone else’s. Maybe a better use of words would be more satisfactory and respectful towards someone’s work. I understand you were asking a question and I have answered. I am not entirely sure how well their resource works as it is encrypted, and I haven’t looked at their documentation. All I can recommend is that someone reads their documentation and their feature list and compare the two. As for the motorhomes yes they are made by someone (I added credit in my original post) and I support a few other creators and their RV’s as well as the ability to easily add your own using a command to quickly find the offsets needed.

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Firstly i appologise if my choice of wording offended you in any way. I do in fact own their script and have compared what i can based on your video, their video and documentation as well as using it on my server. I dont like how locked down their scripts are but the functionality makes them top class. So actually me asking (not saying) is yours a clone or not was me establishing whats different and what i gain replacing theirs with your script on my server. Because looking at the documents and scripts and even the video. They are technically identical so i was asking you is that the case or not. And instead of answering you tell me to compare the two instead of simply answering what is different.

Even your video is the same in terms of presentation making it impossible to tell the two apart . You go in open the door and then access the inventory in the exact same places as them etc etc. So based on your documentation and video i cannot see what the differences are. So either there is none or im not able to see them. Other than the less encrypted files which is a massive plus.

I never intended to knock your work but selling a product im entitled to ask what you offer different because you listing doesnt answer that question.

People make clones all time or in a better word a re written script with identical functions. The difference is if your rewrite adds nothing then what makes it worth me spending me the money and replacing their script with yours and this was what i looked to ask my question to establish

I meant no offence in my wording and im sorry your took it as so. Hopefully this explains my approach and allows you to actually explain what the differences or improvements your script offer are

Thank you for the explanation and I apologize for the mis understanding. From my understanding, their resource requires network events to register a motorhome to a player and continuously spams every player on the server every second with a table of netIds. That in my opinion is a terrible way to sync RVs and is unnecessary. My resource doesn’t trigger any events and makes use of state bags.

The script was built around the requirements of my servers player base (250+ players) so it’s been well tested. It has little bits of added functionality that adds much needed convenience such as auto locking the motorhomes stash if a player disconnects. Prevents other players cant open it unless they lock pick it of course.

It will auto lock the motorhomes stash after whatever amount of time you chose after a successful break in.

You can also extend the functionality or the forced entry functions such as, triggering events in your framework to increase mental state when a player fails to break into a motorhome… or really anything you decide.

A majority of the code is open because of the simplicity of it and to allow people to customize a majority of it to fit in any framework.

Thank you to yourself aswell for helping resolve this missunderstanding.

The spamming players is deffo something i want to get changed because it deffo causes issues. Ans the fact of been able to auto lock on disconnect is a welcome improvement and not something i have noticed in the one i currently use.

Thank you so much for highlighting the features that differ and i will pick this up in due to time. I appreciate good code but i more appreciate good service and communication and if there is any thing people should buy this script for its that because honestly some other scripts i have paid for come across they dont care once you pay. So props to you for being supportive and answering someone positivly even when you felt i was being disrespectful… fair play to you for being a good person in that regard

  1. Multiple different types of motorhomes straight of the bat that also includes a tool to help add additional Vehicles

  2. Police Dispatch

  3. Door System that supports Extras OR Door IDS

  4. Optimized and updated

  5. Enable/Disable auto lock stash on player drop / server disconnect

  6. im sure theres more

Quasar Motorhomes doesnt get any updates

The quasar one was updated 13/4 and included fixing the entity spam on the client side. But they removed the sandroamer due to broken textures. Its says auto configs but dunno what that is lol. But as much as i recall thats the only update it has had

But sounds this is a vastly improved script. So thank you for the reply

Quasar Products arent like they are as advertised thats why i dont buy everything from them everything from GLitched is high quality and optimized

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