[QB] K_FRAUD | Bank Fraud | Check Forgery

“You want to make some extra cash?”

well with this script will bring that quote to life in your sever!

Working Laptop/Printer
Buyable Bankcards
Police alerts
Timers and Cooldowns!
Sellable Fraud Checks!
Resmon 0.00ms-0.04ms

Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4VVJb3C2z0

Asset Esscrow :heavy_check_mark: (able to edit configs + webhook logs)

(Made for Standard QB | If you use Modified QB or Custom Inventory’s please contact me before buying!)

Tebex Buy Here [QB]

[ESX] K_Fraud version


Checkout my other scripts!
Other scripts!

Code is accessible No (FiveM Escrow Used)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1300+
Requirements QB or ESX + The List on TEBEX
Support Yes (PM & Discord)

i have a question as i put it in and everything work but when i run the blankcards into the skimmer it says No Blank cards avaible

all the stores work but when i click on any of the fraud items nothing happens says error for all K_fraud scripts i have the keys on the same email on cf. im missing the datacrack file?

mine is doing the same i cannot open the menu when i press e , did you figure it out?

i have no file or nothing

Please contact me via the methods on the site.

does this support ox inventory i have tried making tickets for support with issues not only that dm you please help :slight_smile:

my ox_inventory works its the no access to use ox_lib rather than qb-menu that makes it not possible too use the script on my qbox server