[QB/ESX] Spawn Selector (Advanced)

ak4y-spawnselector | FiveM Spawn Selector | ak4y scripts

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  • With this beautiful design; you can offer a nice innovation to your players.


  • Easy adjustable config.
  • Fully optimized.
  • Responsive Design.
  • Coordinates, place names etc. can be edited via config.
  • Can be translated via Config


  • Does Not Use SQL

  • On our #announcements channel you can use on all scripts; We shared a 35% discount code valid until January 1!

You can buy this script from TEBEX ( ak4y.tebex.io )

My other advanced scripts

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Support Yes

this work when i use qb-multicharacter ?

is it working ?

After installation, ak4y multicharacter will not start. Can you provide an explanation? Thank you

After character selection, you need to trigger the spawn point selection screen, if you create a support ticket, detailed help will be provided.

great support, perfect scripts. probably i will buy more

Very niceee :partying_face: