[QB/ESX] Prison Life | Custom Gangs, Jobs, and Drugs

Prison Life

Prison Life is a script designed to enhance the prison experience of your FiveM server. Inmates are able to do a wide range of activities from legal jobs around the facility, to joining a prison gang and putting in work. Two new custom drugs have been implemented, a prison roll (spliff) and pruno (prison wine). Set drunk/high effect timings as well as armor/thirst levels upon use. Purchase legal items for money at the commissary. Other custom items are included such as dice which can be rolled based on how many you have in your inventory, and stamps which can be traded to gangs for illegal items.


  • Commissary system
  • Various legal jobs to do around the prison
  • Custom gangs with unique tasks and progress rewards
  • Two new custom drugs: Pruno (prison wine), Prison Roll (spliff)
  • Stamps and illegal item trading system
  • Dice and advanced dice roll system

Note: This script is not intended to be a jailing system, and does not have anything to do with sending criminals to the facility. It is simply an addon layer for the prison to make RP and serving time more interesting.

Purchase Link: [QB/ESX] Prison Life
Unencrypted Version: [QB/ESX] Prison Life | Unencrypted


You may choose whether or not to use a third-eye targeting system with this script. Interaction points can be location based by doing up and hitting E, or can be through a third-eye system. Three targeting scripts have been tested to be compatible so far: qb-target, ox_target, and qtarget.

Designed with compatibility at the forefront. All features are 1 to 1 translated between the QBCore and ESX frameworks ensuring there is no difference between the two. Switching between frameworks requires no more than changing a simple true/false value and all custom item imports are done automatically by the script for the highest ease of installation.

Demo Video

Various UI Types


All game settings and messages can be changed. This script is preset for Bolingbroke Penitentiary by Desteros, which is the prison MLO included in the default QBCore recipe. However, all locations are fully configurable allowing you to change to any MLO of your choosing.

  • Gang peds can be placed anywhere doing various scenario animations
  • Commissary and trading items can be added and removed
  • Task and effect timings can be altered
  • Interaction locations can be moved
  • Loot tables with chances for completing tasks/jobs
  • Optional ox_lib / third-eye integrations
  • A language file is included for owners to translate all in game messages

Lower Prison Sentence
Included in the config is a performOnJobCompletion() function. Here is where you can execute code to lower a players jail time upon completing a job. Check your jailing system for how to lower sentences.

Config Examples


Plug and play. The only thing you need to ensure is that the correct framework is selected in the config and to move the included item icon images to your local inventory icon directory. Database entries are added and checked automatically.

Feel free to DM me for any support.

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~3300
Requirements qb-core or ESX
Dependencies PolyZone, oxmysql
Compatibility ox_lib, qb-target, ox_target, qtarget
Support Yes

Check out my other scripts

[QB/ESX] Food Deliveries | Connect Businesses & Side Jobs
[QB] Crypto Heist | Unique Life Invader Heist


is there a way for me to add an export to take time off sentence for job and bribing interations in the eescrow version?

1 Like


Yes, the config file (which is unprotected and editable with the cheaper escrowed version) contains a section at the bottom for including code that is executed client-side when completing a prison job. Any other form of advanced integration would require the unencrypted version.

Feel free to DM me for any other specifics!

will this wotk with the qb poilce jobs /jail command

1 Like

Yes, it definitely will!

This is an addon layer to give fun activities and things to work toward while in prison and does not handle the actual jailing itself, so it is compatible with all jailing systems!

St. Patrick’s Day Sale

Currently offering a major sale on my unencrypted scripts for St. Patrick’s Day

Prison Life | Unencrypted ($25 → $15)
Crypto Heist | Unencrypted ($15 - $7.50)

Sale has officially ended


Based on customer recommendations the following features have been added

  • Support for ox_lib menu option
  • Configurable option for ox_lib menu position
  • Small performance tweaks

Future updates will be released based on further user feedback and plans for UI optimization and new jobs/tasks



Note: For existing users updating, add the following config options to Config.frameworks

  • useOxMenu: true/false
  • oxMenuPosition: ‘bottom-right’ (allows for top-right, bottom-right, top-left, bottom-left)

Such an amazing script. Made me wanna go to jail IRL.


A new version has been released, please redownload from keymaster - if any unencrypted buyers have issues downloading the updated version, feel free to reach out through DMs or Discord!

  • Added full ox_lib compatibility
  • Opted for ox_lib context menus over default menus
  • Removed ugly white text over local peds when not using targeting system
  • Patched various minor bugs and edge cases
  • Optimized features for better performance
  • Codebase overhaul (major parts rewritten for efficiency/readability)

Note: For existing users, edit the Config.frameworks section of config.lua to

  • remove useOxMenu & oxMenuPosition
  • add useOxLib = true/false


Hey sent you a email as im trying to redownload my Unencrypted Version i payed for about a year ago now. al information is in the email i sent you. you have replied in the past but never sent the new code.