[QB-ESX] Casino Game - Lucky 6

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements QB/ESX
Support No

Lucky 6 - Casino Game


How does it work?

You can modify the styles and the feel of the game from here style.css

You have access to the source code so you can modify freely.


  1. The first panel with balls

Each ball represent an option, if you choose 6 balls and the balls appear in the game window, then you will win with that option

Each row of balls have a color underneath, represention the option to clock and select all of them, a color column means a higher winning if

  1. The second panel with multiple options

A. Random 6 - will randomly select 6 balls for you to play the game
B. Clear - will clear all the ball selection so you retract your balls betting
C. “First ball Color” is the option that represents what color you think the first ball will be, if you guess right you will win
D. First Number Even/Odd - if you think the first ball will be an even or odd number
E. First number -24.5+ - If the first ball is below or above 24.5
F. First 5 Even/Odd - If ALL the first 5 balls are Even or ODD you will win
G. First 5 -122.5+ - All the first 5 balls add up with each other, and if the result is below 122.5 or above 122.5 you win or lose

  1. Possible Bets
    A modern way to let the players click a and place the bet for ALL the options they selected. They will be charged the bet amount for each option of game they chose to play

  2. Current Round
    Will display the information of the current round, how much you bet, on what, and potential winnings

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