[QB/ESX] Advanced HUD | Change And Save Options | Customization

ATY - HUD V1 | | | Aty - ak4y collaboration

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  • [+] Health, armor, hunger, thirst, stamina, oxzgen and stress indicators
  • [+] 2 Different carhuds
  • [+] Built-in stress system
  • [+] Built-in nitro system
  • [+] Built-in seatbelt and cruise control system
  • [+] 4 Different hud types
  • [+] Easily configurable
  • [+] Money, job, ping etc. indicators

You can buy this script from TEBEX ( ak4y.tebex.io )

[QB] Open Source: https://ak4y.tebex.io/package/6004247
[QB] Escrowed: https://ak4y.tebex.io/package/6004223
[ESX] Open Source: https://ak4y.tebex.io/package/6004224
[ESX] Escrowed: https://ak4y.tebex.io/package/6004227

My other advanced scripts

Code Accessible There are Escrow and Source Code versions.
Subscription Based No
Lines (Approximately) 1500
Requirements Nothing
Support Yes and constant updates

new kodem-hud h.o


looks nothing like codem.

It was just a joke between friends, you don’t have to worry xd


oh I extremely apologize!

looks good ! :boom:

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how can i remove stress im using boii weed and i tried putting the event in and it wont work can anyone help?

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You can get support quickly by coming to our dc and opening a ticket.

OK, Thanks just did!

hello u have society money display?

seatbelt doesn’t work in escrowed version … dev has little interest in fixing the issue

It’s been a long time since this problem was updated and fixed.
Download the latest version via Keymaster

nope … most up to date version still sending you out the window at low speed

If there is a problem that we have not noticed, you can create a ticket to resolve it. We can see the problem and fix it.

i did and it was closed when i asked for help atleast getting qb-smallresources seatbelt working instead