Hey Guys,
I added some muscle cars on the server and i have the problem they are limited to about 200km/h, but i want to make them a bit faster…
I tried to make changes in handling.meta and i also tried to change the vehicle category ( i thought it maybe limited because of the class )
Any ideas what the problem is?
December 21, 2020, 10:09pm
This will explains alot of your questions.
Well i have a bit of knowledge with car modding, but the problem is, the fivem server doesnt take the same effects like in singleplayer, thats my huge problem ^^
December 22, 2020, 4:59pm
Note that this resource is an Example and was not designed to be used as a handling editor for your server.
It is also absolutely unfinished and possibly unstable.
Apparently some of the handing properties require research to how/if they work, from my testing, things like Centre of Mass offsets, Mass and maybe some other values don’t properly work, so beware of that
I added a few functions to make setting and getting handling data easier for me, you can of course …
Use this for live handling edits. This will help in understanding what does what and then copy the values to your handling.meta
Thank you for this solution I think this should work as i see in the video!