Postcode Waypoint System - Navigate Seamlessly in Your Server!


0.00 ms

The Postcode Waypoint System is a good and efficient tool designed to enhance navigation within your server. With this system, players can use the /postcode command to instantly set GPS waypoints to specific locations based on predefined postcodes. It’s a must-have addition for any server seeking to improve player experience and immersion.

Key Features:

Seamless Navigation: Players can easily set waypoints to various locations using postcodes, making traveling a breeze and reducing the time spent navigating and searching on the map.

Customizable Notifications: Engage players with custom notification messages when they successfully set a waypoint or enter an invalid postcode, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

Easy Integration: The system can be effortlessly integrated into your existing server setup, ensuring smooth functionality without disrupting ongoing gameplay.

The /postcode command is user-friendly and easily accessible, making it suitable for both new and experienced players.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Server:

Why settle for traditional navigation methods when you can provide your players with a easly and user-friendly solution? The Postcode Waypoint System is the ultimate tool for optimizing navigation in your server, ensuring players can focus on the fun aspects of gameplay without getting lost or confuse searching on the map.

1659 locations. Its whole map located in this system!

BUY THE - Postcode Waypoint System (price €6.04)

For this system to work properly you will need this FREE map to download.
Download MAP from CFX





Code accessible No
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) 30
Requirements es_extended or qb-core
Support Yes

What is the difference between this and the free script that has existed for a while?

local Postals = json.decode(LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "/json/postals.json"))

	TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/postal', 'Mark Wanted Postal Number', {
		{ name="Number", help="Postal Number" },

	local WantedPostal = tonumber(args[1])
	if not WantedPostal then return exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("error", "Enter Valid Postal Code") end
	local Found = false
	for i, p in ipairs(Postals) do
		if tonumber(WantedPostal) == tonumber(p.code) then
			exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("success", "Location Marked")
			Found = true
	if not Found then return exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("error", "That Postal Code Didnt Found") end


also, you forgot template

my bad, fixed

Too simple