[pma-voice/Standalone] Vehicle PA (Public Address/Megaphone) System

Wondering how to add more realism and ambience to Role-Play on your server, or just tired of hearing police officers talking from helicopters and emergency vehicles with normal voice without using any megaphone filter like real officers do? Then I’m happy to introduce you my new resource!

With this script players will be able to talk from configured vehicles using key bind, so everybody around them will hear their voice like out of a real police vehicle or megaphone.

K Default key bind to enable AP System and talk (Can be changed in Config)


Tebex Store [€5.99 + VAT]


  • This resource is easily configurable, so you can change proximity of vehicle megaphone as you like, add vehicle, from which players will be able to use the megaphone and so on.
  • It’s also open source, so you can experiment with submix or volume level.


  • pma-voice
  • This resource uses submixes, so it requires useNativeAudio to be enabled.

Technical Information

  • Resmon: 0.00 ms when idle, 0.02 ms while talking through megaphone
Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 175
Requirements pma-voice
Support Yes

My other resources
Police spikes for any inventory

Feel free to ask and stay in touch, so you don’t miss any new releases!


please bro. can you make it detect if someone is in an emergency vehicle rather than having to put in every single leo vehicle on the server into the config lol

Makes sense. We will test some natives for this till tomorrow and if everything works, I will post an update)

Use: GetVehicleClass - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs
18 is emergency.
I would suggest using a combination of that and the whitelisted vehicle list in config you already have.


Does this have an export we can quickly use with an item, say, with ox_inventory?

I have a megaphone script that does the same, but it’s quite buggy (players get “stuck” in the megaphone), and I’d like to replace that.

Quick buy for me if you can provide that!

Update 1.0.1

  • All emergency vehicles are being now detected without being added to config

You can download it here https://keymaster.fivem.net/assets

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I have plans to add a megaphone item to the script somewhere in the future as well, but I’m not sure jet, if it is gonna be connected with ox_inventory, because I haven’t really worked with it and currently creating, my own

All you would need is an export to trigger this effect like it is done in the vehicle correct? Should be enough for ox inventory.

It’s easy to create an export, you’re right, but as long as I understand you correctly, you want to make possible to use the filter when someone is holding a particular prop (megaphone in our case). If so, then you will have to add another check, whether player is holding megaphone and does it in right animation.
Feel free to DM me in discord, which you can find on Tebex.

Correct, I’ll send you a DM tomorrow, maybe the old resource we are using can be of help

It still seems to only be playing on designated police vehicles rather than emergency class

Doesn’t it work with a vanilla vehicle or a custom one?

The video is deleted? Where can I watch the showcase?

I have updated links, you can watch it now

I cannot get it to work with any of them unless i put them into the config manually
for example it works fine with helicopters because i put them into the config and it will work with any vehicles i manually put into the config. But not automatically with emergency class.

so im not sure if the emergency class check is working (the one that @Tugamars mentioned)

Have you updated the files?