Plouffe - Fleeca



  • Any


  • Fleeca’s generate money over time
  • Fleeca’s can have different maximum amount of money
  • Gabz mapping compatibility
  • Global robbery interval (So you cant have multiples fleeca’s one after the other)
  • Unique robbery interval (Fleeca’s still need to generate money)
  • Optimised (0.0ms)
  • Not obfuscated


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1700 ~
Requirements Plouffe - Lib Plouffe - Doorlock
Support Yes

Support will be given if you have an idea of what you’re doing and in french or english


Download Link? Also free script but requires a $50 lib. Lol

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Download link is in the documentation and its literally a free script. If you dont want to buy the lib just edit the code and make it work without it.

You know exactly what you did when writing this code. Lol. Stop.

The script is free to use, the code is free to use. Not everything will be handed to you for free in life.
If you dont have the knowledge to edit the code and make it work without the dependency its a you problem. Move on.