What is this?
This is a resource that allows you to view waypoints in-game, as well as send global & player waypoints as an admin!
It has customizable features; including blips, colors, and more!
- Supports both ESX and QB, as well as standalone!
- View waypoints in-game
- Customize Waypoints using /waypointsettings
- Create multiple waypoints using exports!
- Send custom waypoints to all players, or target a specific player using /adminwaypoint.
- Use custom images for Admin Waypoints, or use the default icon.
- It's a free resource.
- And more!
- Works with any framework (Permissions use ACE), and has job & group support for ESX / QB servers.
- Ox Lib (Required, Works anywhere).
1) Place ensure pickle_waypoints
in your server.cfg
after ox_lib & pickle_xp (if using it).
2) Restart the server.
-- AddWaypoint: Adds a waypoint to the player's view (client)
local index = AddWaypoint(label, coords, {
icon = "WAYPOINT_URL", -- or "default" to use internal icon for color support.
color = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- rgba value, used for internal icon and marker.
clearEnter = true, -- Upon entering the area, remove the waypoint.
blipId = 1, -- Display waypoint on map, or set to nil to disable.
blipColor = 0, -- Blip color on the map.
-- RemoveWaypoint: Removes a waypoint from the player's view (client)
-- GetWaypoint: Gets the updated information regarding the waypoint passed in index.
local waypointData = GetWaypoint(index)
-- UpdateWaypointCoords: Update the location of the waypoint.
UpdateWaypointCoords(index, vector3(100.0, 20.0, 30.0))
-- UpdateWaypointSettings: Update the waypoint's settings.
UpdateWaypointSettings(index, {
icon = "WAYPOINT_URL", -- or "default" to use internal icon for color support.
color = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- rgba value, used for internal icon and marker.
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Wow this got approved fast. And Looks even better than Dynasty’s! Well done cucumber mods.
Really great script, ty pickle!
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its free, anything free is superior
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not everything should or needs to be paid. If people want to waste their money they can use yours, if they want to have the same thing for free they can use pickles.
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Holy fuck you’re salty…
“better how?”
For $15 dollars less you get:
- In-game customization of waypoints, which you don’t have.
- In-game enabling / disabling of waypoints, which you don’t have.
- Admin Waypoints targetable to all or singular players, which you don’t have.
- Free testing, which you don’t have (allegedly).
Nah $15 is so worth it you get so much more…
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I never understood people posting ads on other peoples shit, if the script you are so desperatly trying to post on pickles post here is sooooooo much better then people will find it and use it without you having to piggy back pickle. Everyone nowadays is so greedy with everything they do and so disrespectful its amazing
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Also idk what post deleted by author means but pickle if that dynasty guys post were him shit talking you that just makes him look like an asshole and for sure would hurt his “sales” because idk about the majority of others but I know myself I like friendly devs to buy scripts from lol and when they arent friendly in regular day life I think if I try to get support they wont be friendly to me.
That was never the point, I’ve seen people talking about me in these waypoint posts saying my work is inferior. Can’t I defend myself? At least I don’t use fake accounts and so. I’ve always been kind and respectful to everyone and tried to get my position with hard work, never talked about other stores or people. I deleted the comments cause I don’t like doing these kind of things. Again, I was just defending myself when they talk about me. Peace 
PickleMods add
transition: .5s;
in the CSS to make the movement smoother.
Excellent script!
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Brother the only reference made to you was from @PenguScripts saying:
Wow this got approved fast. And Looks even better than Dynasty’s! Well done cucumber mods.
It’s hardly an attack on you, and further more the fact that you were insinuating (in your now deleted posts) that this resource is for those who can’t afford yours - you’re far off course my friend.
This resource has more features than yours, and for $15 less - you should ask yourself why you felt the need to go on my video & forums post to try and attack my creation.
Better luck next time my friend.
I’ll try this right now!
Could you submit this as a PR so I can properly give credit in the update?
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I’m not attacking or insulting, just answering when I’m being mentioned, and that was not the only comment.Our works as similar as they look, are not the same. Not saying one is better than the other, just saying they are two different things
They don’t work similarly in any way, and you know that to be true.
Mine supports multiple waypoints using exports, does yours?
I essentially created a framework that does waypoints better, cheaper, and more configurable - I don’t really think you can compare the two in any way.
Ye, he’s just mad, also a scammer.
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Welcome to the world of recreating… What is poorly done or charged too much.