Exactly. I never do a resource unless I know I can do it better.
It’s why I haven’t done a Dealerships V2 update, not enough innovative ideas to make it worth the purchase.
Exactly. I never do a resource unless I know I can do it better.
It’s why I haven’t done a Dealerships V2 update, not enough innovative ideas to make it worth the purchase.
Would be sick with an expanded carkey feauture managed by the car dealer, so when keys gets broken, or they need extra there is only the dealer to go to. +some ingame job car details, when buying, and then they would need to wait for a delivery time. Maybe cardealer needs to visit mechanics to get it build. Carcrafting, would make a cardealer multi trade hub.
Looks interesting, good job!
Its not always about making something better right? I mean there are so many resources out there, sometimes you make things others already made too right.
For example, I have released a hunting script too (after yours) but not because I think its better, just because I love to create a script like that and can implement some other cool ideas into it.
But yeah it should never be an issue to release something as long as its made by urself, I dont see the problem in releasing something for free that other stores have for sale. Even better for the player base, I mean, that’s what we’re doing it for right (and ofcourse to get some nice returns for our time, creations and support
But anyways, dope resource <3
Yeah it’s more of a personal belief I have, I don’t want to make an equivilant to something that’s already out there; I try to always try to do things in a new and improved way.
Good script, i like this one
Really nice release, great work.
I didnt know that I only had the things I could see to go off, I didnt know what was being talked about because it said deleted and i thought it meant author of the script not the posting comment. I commented based on the limited knowledge I had to go off. Im also not a fake account if you were talking about me there. I may not have been around long but Im a real person who buys scripts and everything. I just dont have a pfp or anything cuz i havent bothered with it
Awesome free release pickle! You the best!
sweet free release man! you are always pushing out new stuff! keep up the good work.
Very nice, thank you.
Very nicely done. Once again
Are there exports or events here to incorporate into other scripts?
Unfortunately there is no documentation here yet
Yes there are! Thanks for reminding me.
-- AddWaypoint: Adds a waypoint to the player's view (client)
local index = AddWaypoint(label, coords, {
icon = "WAYPOINT_URL", -- or "default" to use internal icon for color support.
color = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- rgba value, used for internal icon and marker.
clearEnter = true, -- Upon entering the area, remove the waypoint.
blipId = 1, -- Display waypoint on map, or set to nil to disable.
blipColor = 0, -- Blip color on the map.
-- RemoveWaypoint: Removes a waypoint from the player's view (client)
-- GetWaypoint: Gets the updated information regarding the waypoint passed in index.
local waypointData = GetWaypoint(index)
-- UpdateWaypointCoords: Update the location of the waypoint.
UpdateWaypointCoords(index, vector3(100.0, 20.0, 30.0))
-- UpdateWaypointSettings: Update the waypoint's settings.
UpdateWaypointSettings(index, {
icon = "WAYPOINT_URL", -- or "default" to use internal icon for color support.
color = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- rgba value, used for internal icon and marker.
dude stfu it doesn’t matter who got the idea, this one is simply better cause it’s free
this is awesome!
Very cool idea. My players love it!
How do we get the resmon to go down?