New Updates
Hi, everyone! It’s time we showcase the new update that is currently being developed for PF-vMenu v1.1.3.
We had to rebuild everything from scratch and port our features to the new v3.6.0 update of vMenu.
What’s new?
Open Wheels
Open Wheels now available!
Open Wheels are now selectable for every regular in vMenu. Now, you can simulate the GTA Online vehicle duplication glitch, without duplicating a vehicle!
You can finally select Open Wheel in the Wheel Type under Mod Menu. We’ve been looking at previous/old vMenu code to look at what we can find from the old pre-Diamond Casino update.
Now, you can pull off incredible cars with these wheels, as you properly should!
RGB Paints
We’ve taken a look at how @Alsekwolf’s RGB Paint & Neons Menu works, and well… We’ve been doing some progress for vMenu!
RGB Paints now available!
RGB Paints are now available in vMenu. You can use the slider to select a color from 0 to 255 from the Red, Green and Blue channels! To top it off, we’ve also added a Hex code entry for the paints, something no other vMenu has ever done (at least, from top of my head unless if its closed source).
You can also sync/match the paints from Primary to Secondary, and vice versa. You can also change the materials of said paint jobs!
(Currently, this is a WIP. We’re still working on it.)
To top it off, you can save the vehicles with the said RGB values! Anyone can make a custom color with this. Maybe, you can be daring and go for a Black Chrome. Or Bayside Blue! The possibilities are endless!
Revamped/Added Misc. Features
Time and Weather fixed!
So, remember the Time and Weather options? You guys have been complaining about how the sky flickers whenever you activate client-sided time and weather. Now? We’ve fixed it completely and made it work with weather_sync/time_sync set to true.
While we’re still working to revamp this menu to look more akin to the server time/weather options (and add permissions), this is functional enough to where it actually works.
Plugins Menu
The Plugins menu is our way of adding external scripts to our menu, using MenuAPI as a frontend. Do note that some of these plugins require an existing resource in order to work. Hopefully, we’ll be able to make sure that you can get to use and add plugins without modifying PF-vMenu’s source code.
Hopefully, we’ll be able to finish these up in time for a full release that we can ship out in no time.
That is all that we have for the current updates for PF-vMenu, the source code is available under another branch.
Thank you to everyone from the Project Fairness Labs community, and especially the PF-vMenu contributors. You guys are all amazing.
Please don’t use this source code to sell off your crappy menus. We’ve seen some of your menus going for almost $120 for an open-sourced version, and claim it’s a vMenu “replacement” and well… we don’t roll with that. And either way, they’re missing features we’ve implemented, and Vespura wouldn’t like that. Our menu is free and will remain free.