[Perms, Config] Bodyguard Menu

Hello everyone! This is a LUA bodyguard menu that uses NativeUILUAs API. Ace Permission-based. Peds have blips Give/Take weapons Easy ped management

This is pretty simple so I am just going to put a couple of pictures showcasing it.




Download HERE

  1. After downloading the resource just put it in your server as you would with any other resource.
  2. Download and add NativeUILua
  3. Add this to your CFG add_ace group.CHANGEME bodyguard.menu allow
  4. To change the alignment of the menu simply go into the main.lua and comment out
    mainMenu = NativeUI.CreateMenu("Body Guard", "~b~Protect Yo Self", 1320, 0) -- for right align

Any/All Configuration can be found in the config/config.lua. Minor options.
Ped/Weapon models can be added into the main.lua


I did not see the option, but it would be nice to have it set up with a command like /bodyguard instead of a key press (think f3 is your default) also. I would love to see a example of the line that needs to be added for the ace permissions in the server.cfg. thanks again! have a great night, this is going to be awesome for some PvE events I do. OH one more question has this been tested with onesync?

OP Request

I have a problem. When I launch the server and press f3 nothing happend and in server console its say “SCRIPT ERROR: @bodyguardmenu/client/global.lua:133: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘_menuPool’ )” if you can help me to resolve this problem. Thank You!