Ped Menu (Simple, Customizable)

after i change that config for admin permissions

what if i wanted to only allow by identifier?

If you want to restrict everything change this line in server.lua

if not restricted or IsPlayerAceAllowed(src, "pedmenu." .. model) then


if IsPlayerAceAllowed(src, "pedmenu." .. model) then

Then add players like normal:

add_ace identifier.steam:steamidhere "pedmenu.<ped_model>" allow

If instead you want to use the above tweak for admins only then you could do this

add_ace identifier.steam:steamidhere "pedmenu" allow
add_ace identifier.steam:steamidhere "pedmenu.<ped_model>" allow
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Does this work for esx servers? I have it in my server but i keep gettting errors on it…

Error parsing script @pedmenu/peds.lua in resource pedmenu: @pedmenu/peds.lua:20: ‘}’ expected near ‘.’
error loading script client.lua in resource pedmenu: @pedmenu/client.lua:10: argument @1 to ‘for iterator’ (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C[: in function ‘next’
@pedmenu/client.lua:10: in main chunk

All i did was put it in the server, added the admin perms to the cfg, and added a ped addon to the peds.lua just like the example showed…

Yes. Make sure to put a comma after every entry other than the last. From the error it looks like you put a period instead of a comma and probably missing the closing curly bracket.


Addons = {
	{"wick2", "John Wick", "wick2.png", false},
    {"jason8", "Jason Part 8", "jason8.png", false}

Hello, I have problems with the nh-context, since I use one for the wasabi_boombox radio and the pedmenu with that nhcontext does not work for me, what should I do? for both to work, if I put the official nh-context the pedmenu works for me, but wasabi_boombox stops working

You can use the qb-menu version of pedmenu instead.

not working with ESX ?

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Yes it does.

Need some help with the menu have no errors and won’t open!


Escrow Encrypted or Source available?

Make sure the folder name is all lowercase like “pedmenu” and not “PedMenu”.

Source code is available. Next time read the post.

I did read the post, my mistake that I missed it.
People sometimes make mistakes. Next time be considerate.
Thank you but not interested anymore :slight_smile:

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I use it only two times, this is one of my bad decission in buying scripts, dev doesn’t update it, so called support id in only on cfx, ped menu working like nightmare(missing functions). Glad I switched to fivem-appearence

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What’s wrong about support only from place where you bought something? You messaged me once and I answered your question. You had no complaints, nothing. So now after using it for 8 months you say things don’t work without even contacting me.

And about the updates, no I don’t update it because it works fine and any extra features would be specific to very few people. Instead I help anyone who contacts me to modify the plugin.

Yeah I brought this and it never worked. I went to there discord and ogt no support at all. Dont waste your time.

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At least when you lie put some truth into it. There is no discord, all support is here in private messages and you didn’t even message me.

i have the Qbcore Framework and it doesn’t work for me, Any help can give me to make it work?

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Support will no longer be provided by author