Backup Pro - Park Ranger Extension
Some of you have probably noticed that a lot of BackupPro plugins have been created in the last few days, and here is the next one: Park Ranger for BackupPro.
All backup units have the same intelligent system that the units of the Basic Backup Pro Packet have.
Package Content
- Park Ranger
- BackupPro (Forum post here)
BackupPro comes out of the box with a config containing ESX compatibility settings, permissions and the hotkey, as well as the position of the backup menu and the AutoDuty function. In addition, each plugin can have its own configuration file and the default one allows you to change your backups car and ped model. In this plugin itself, the models of vehicles, peds and weapons can be customized.
Using BackupPro and its Plugins is very easy and intuitive. Simply press the hotkey configured in the Config and the extremely clearly designed menu opens, in which you can request the backup of your choice with the touch of a button.
Framework Integration
Out of the box, BackupPro comes with framework integration for ESX and the ability to integrate it using permissions. And thanks to the free “BackupPro for FivePD” plugin, BackupPro is now also FivePD compatible. For all other frameworks, there is an extensive API that allows you to integrate BackupPro into almost every framework.
We tried to make BackupPro as easy to use and as qualitative as possible, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask them here in the forum and we will help you as soon as possible.
We have put a lot of effort into BackupPro and would therefore be very thankful if you would share your opinion or suggestions for improvement with us.
Download & Payment
To use this pack you must have purchased BackupPro on Tebex, the pack itself can be found on Tebex too.