Paleto 24/7 Corner Store Interior [MLO] [Paid] [Release]

Paleto 24/7 South MLO
FiveM Ready.

I have completely changed the building that used to be here for a new one, opened up the alleyway, and here we have a nice 24/7 with some cool signage on top for at night. Ran out of smokes while visiting the Hen House across the way? Well now you don’t have to go far!

Brings this corner of the map to life a bit and more RP opportunities.
As that area of the map was kinda dull before.

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Legacy, Tactical Gaming Network
[ Playing GTA Since 1997 ]

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based NO
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements None
Support Yes

I’m not able to get past the doors

check if your server has any other cs1_06_0.ybn and hi@cs1_06_3.ybn files on it if so they will need to be integrated

how do you do such a thing brother