FiveM Wanted System
Tired of the crimes in you city ? Having some dumb police officers ? Cannot move two blocks without getting robbed ? Dont worry this script will make them criminals think before they act!
This is a QBCORE & ESX wanted system By Hlib L’ghoula.
- Smart NPC reporting system.
- Server-wide wanted alerts + live player pics.
- Easy interactable with other scripts.
- Advanced discord log system.
- Fully customizable script(config + UI).
- Supports all languages.
- Easy to setup.
- Well optimized script.
Server-wide wanted alerts (fully customizable)
This notification displays for all current online players with live picture of the wanted citizen + his name, it can be sent again by police officers whenever they want.
Menu (fully customizable)
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "newqb" -- "newesx" || "oldesx" || "newqb" || "oldqb"
Config.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- "mysql-async" , "ghmattimysql" , "oxmysql"
Config.menucommand = 'wantedmenu' -- menu command
Config.menubutton = 'F9' -- menu open button // leave blank '' if you dont want a button
Config.policejob = "police" -- police job name
Config.policejob2 = "sheriff"
Config.EnableGlobalNotification = true -- enable global wanted notification for all players
Config.NotificationDuration = 15 -- in secs -- the duration of the global notification
Config.MinTimeBetweenSpots = 5 -- in mins -- min time between each npc spot for the wanted person
Config.NpcSpot = true -- enable the npc spot
Config.DisplayWantedLogo = true -- display the "WANTED" logo for the wanted players
Config.NpcSpotDistance = 6 -- max distance between the wanted player and the npc to be spotted
Config.AutoRemoveWanted = true -- auto remove wanted status when the player gets cuffed by a police officer -- disabled for esx
Config.CanHideWithMask = true -- wanted player wont be recognized by npc when he is wearing mask
Config.NpcCallChance = 0.5 -- Default: 50% -- the chance for the npc to call the police on you
--- Menus
Config.MenuStyle = "native" -- you can choose between "native" or "default"
Config.MenuSize = "size-100" -- you can choose between "size-100" | "size-110" | "size-125" | "size-150" | "size-175" | "size-200"
Config.MenuLocation = "topright" -- e.g. topright (default), topleft, bottomright, bottomleft
Config.Title = "Wanted Menu"
Config.menu1 = "Police Wanted Menu"
Config.menu2 = "Set Wanted"
Config.menu3 = "Remove Wanted"
Config.menu4 = "Wanted citizen list"
Config.menu5 = "Check wanted status"
Config.menu6 = "wanted status"
Config.menu7 = "Online Citizens"
Config.menu8 = "Online wanted citizen list"
Config.menu9 = "Nearby Citizen"
Config.icon1 = '👮'
Config.icon2 = '⛔'
Config.icon3 = '🦹♂️'
Config.icon4 = '⚠️'
Config.icon5 = '✖️'
Config.icon6 = '➰'
-- translation
Config.text1 = "Online Citizens"
Config.text2 = "Click to Send global notification again"
Config.text3 = "no player nearby"
Config.text4 = "This citizen is wanted"
Config.text5 = "This citizen is not wanted"
Config.text6 = "You are not a police officer or you are not in service"
Config.text12 = "You are busted"
Config.text13 = "An npc has spotted you and called the police"
Config.text14 = "Wanted person spotted"
Config.text15 = "Citizen is now wanted"
Config.text16 = "You are now wanted"
Config.text17 = "Notification Sent to citizens"
Config.text18 = "This citizen is no longer wanted"
Config.text19 = "You are no longer wanted"
Config.text20 = "Position Marked in Minimap"
-- discord webhooks
Config.wanteddiscord = "" -- wanted webhook
Config.notwanteddiscord = "" -- not wanted webhook
Config.wantedtitle = "Player Wanted"
Config.notwantedtitle = "Player No longer Wanted"
Config.BlacklistedPeds = { -- the peds who dont report to police check hash from https://wiki.■■■■■■■■■■■/index.php/Peds
1885233650, -- mp_freemode male
-1667301416, -- mp_freemode female
-832573324, -- animal
1462895032, -- animal
-1430839454, -- animal
-1469565163, -- animal
351016938, -- animal
1457690978, -- animal
-50684386, -- animal
1682622302, -- animal
402729631, -- animal
-664053099, -- animal
-1950698411, -- animal
802685111, -- animal
1015224100, -- animal
1794449327, -- animal
1193010354, -- animal
1318032802, -- animal
-1920284487, -- animal
307287994, -- animal
-1323586730, -- animal
111281960, -- animal
1125994524, -- animal
1832265812, -- animal
-541762431, -- animal
-1011537562, -- animal
882848737, -- animal
-1026527405, -- animal
-1788665315, -- animal
-745300483, -- animal
1126154828, -- animal
-1589092019, -- animal
113504370, -- animal
-1384627013 -- animal
Config.Notification = function(message, type) -- You can change here events for notifications
if Config.Framework == "newesx" or Config.Framework == "oldesx" then
TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message)
elseif Config.Framework == "newqb" or Config.Framework == "oldqb" then
TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, type, 1500)
elseif Config.Framework == "custom" then
-- put your notification event here
-- or use gta default
DrawNotification(false, false)
Using hg-wanted on other resources: (like robbery scripts)
exports['hg-wanted']:SetWanted(playerId) -- set wanted status
exports['hg-wanted']:RemoveWanted(playerId) -- remove wanted status
exports['hg-wanted']:CheckWanted(playerId) -- Returns boolean
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Also Check
- Advanced Gearbox System By HG Scripts🍦
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- FiveM Login System By HG Scripts
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1200 |
Requirements | menuv |
Support | Yes |