[PAID] [VORP][RedEM:RP][GUM] Travel to Guarma JOB

Travel in garma

A breathtaking trip to garma !!
Not a simple teleportation! but a boat trip

This script contains:


    Possibility to configure it as you want! you want to have western music during the trip?
    It’s possible ! you can enable or disable it


    With a mini game to control the same fully configurable temperature


    A job can be disabled or active
    the possibility of using only the Travel or the distillery or both

    Compatible VORP and RedEM:RP or GUM


Config = {}

Config.OneSync = true 

-- if you use teleport to guarma
Config.UseTeleportGuarma = true
-- if you use Distillery Guarma
Config.UseDistilleryGuarma = true
-- if you use craft for item : rhum_base
Config.UseCraftDistiller = true 

-- If you want to lock player controls while traveling
Config.UseLockControl = true 

-- if you use effect moonshiner
Config.UseDistilleryEffect = false 

-- If you want the black bars on the trip
Config.BlackBarCinematique = true 

-- music in traveling ?
Config.Music = true
Config.SoundToGuarma = "guarma.mp3" -- Travel time 3.13
Config.SoundToStDenis = "saintdenis.mp3" -- Travel time 3.13
Config.VolumeSound = 0.05

--icon Dollard
Config.Concurency = "$" 

-- Price voyage Stdenis > Guarma
Config.PriceForVoyageGuarma = 0.5

-- Price voyage Guarma > Stdenis
Config.PriceForVoyageStdenis = 0.5

-- Distiller
Config.Job = false 
Config.JobName = "distiller"
Config.TimeWait = 280000
Config.Animation = {"mech_loco_m@generic@carry@moonshine@upright@transition", "pour"}
Config.PropsToAnimation = {"p_bottle003x"}
Config.EffectName = {"SCR_ADV_SOK", "scr_adv_sok_torchsmoke"}
Config.ItemNamePrepare = {"rhum_base"}
Config.ItemNameGiveFail = {"rum_2"}
Config.ItemNameGiveSuccess = {"rum_1"}

Config.ItemNameGiveSugar = {"sugar"}
Config.ItemNameBase_Rhum = {"base_rhum"}
Config.RemoveAmountSugar = 3
Config.GiveAmountBaseRhum = 3
Config.GiveAmountSugar = 10

-- If you want an item to be given away if the preparation is not good
Config.IsGiveFail = true
Config.TempFailGiveItem = math.random(5, 10)

-- Count give rhum
Config.TempSuccessGiveItem_XXX = 20 -- 3 stars
Config.TempSuccessGiveItem_XX = 15 -- 2 stars
Config.TempSuccessGiveItem_X = 10 -- 1 star

Config.Blips = {
    -- https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/useful_info_from_rpfs/textures/blips_mp
    {coords = vector3(2787.586181640625, -1495.115478515625, 42.76195526123047), blipsHash = -1018164873, Name = "Port de Saint Denis"}, -- PortStDenis
    {coords = vector3(1267.03, -6852.97, 43.31), blipsHash = -1018164873, Name = "Port de Guarma"}, -- PortGuarma
    {coords = vector3(1405.4735107421875, -6955.30712890625, 63.09122467041016), blipsHash = -1988105196, Name = "Recolte de sucre"}, -- RecoltSugar
    {coords = vector3(1507.4678955078125, -7095.7861328125, 76.19973754882812), blipsHash = 2017085833, Name = "Traitement de sucre"}, -- PrepareBase_Rhum
    {coords = vector3(1489.5467529296875, -7153.01904296875, 72.43838500976562), blipsHash = 187984275, Name = "Rhumerie"}, -- PosRum
    {coords = vector3(1477.323486328125, -7161.2529296875, 72.42591094970703), blipsHash = 1654787099, Name = "Four"}, -- Postemp

Config.Prompt = {
    [1] = {text = "Rhum"},
    [2] = {text = "Remplir de base rhum"},
    [3] = {text = "Controler la temperature"},

    -- TeleportGuarma
    [10] = {text = "Voyager vers Guarma"},
    [11] = {text = "Voyager vers Saint Denis"},
    [12] = {text = "Voyage"},

    -- Recolt Props
    [14] = {text = "Recolté du sucre"},
    [15] = {text = "Traiment du sucre"},
    [16] = {text = "Sucre"},
    [17] = {text = "Traitement"},

Config.PortStDenis = {
    {coords = vector3(2787.586181640625, -1495.115478515625, 42.76195526123047)},

Config.PortGuarma = {
    {coords = vector3(1267.03, -6852.97, 43.31)},

Config.Distance = {
    boatStDenis = 1.0,
    boatGuarma = 1.0,
    distilleryAdd = 1.0,
    distilleryTemp = 1.0,
    distilleryRecolt = 1.0,
    distilleryPrepareBase_Rhum = 1.0

Config.RecoltSugar = {
    {coords = vector3(1405.4735107421875, -6955.30712890625, 63.09122467041016)},

Config.PrepareBase_Rhum = {
    {coords = vector3(1507.4678955078125, -7095.7861328125, 76.19973754882812)},

Config.PosRum = {
    {coords = vector3(1489.5467529296875, -7153.01904296875, 72.43838500976562)},

Config.Postemp = {
    {coords = vector3(1477.323486328125, -7161.2529296875, 72.42591094970703)},

Config.Notif = {
    [1] = {text = "Temps restant: "},
    [2] = {text = "[ESPACE] Pour terminer le processus"},
    [3] = {text = "[ESPACE] Pour lancer des actions"},
    [4] = {text = "Maintenez la température au bon niveau pour créer du rhum"},
    [5] = {text = "La préparation à surchauffée !"},
    [6] = {text = "Vous n'avez pas de préparation pour faire du rhum"},
    [7] = {text = "Tu as fait 20 de Rhum"},
    [8] = {text = "Tu as fait 18 de Rhum"},
    [9] = {text = "Tu as fait 15 de Rhum"},
    [13] = {text = "Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent", time = 5000},
    [10] = {text = "Vous n'avez pas assez de sucre pour faire de la base de rhum"},
    [11] = {text = "Preparation en cours"}

Config.VehicleToGuarma = {
    [1] = {Ped = "A_M_M_DELIVERYTRAVELERS_COOL_01"},
    [2] = {Vehicle = "horseBoat"},
    [3] = {boatSpawnStdenis = vector3(2872.25244140625, -1528.7435302734375, 40.221099853515625), heading = 298.37},
    [4] = {boatGoToGuarma = vector3(3327.806884765625, -1107.585205078125, 40.26398086547851)},
    [5] = {boatInGuarma = vector3(1042.466552734375, -6603.46240234375, 40.302696228027344), headingGuarma = 208.81},
    [6] = {boatInToGuarma = vector3(1254.7379150390625, -6846.45703125, 39.93758392333984)},
    [7] = {TeleportToGuarma = vector3(1267.03, -6852.97, 43.31)}

-- TeleportStDenis
Config.VehicleToStDenis = {
    [1] = {Ped = "A_M_M_DELIVERYTRAVELERS_COOL_01"},
    [2] = {Vehicle = "horseBoat"},
    [3] = {boatSpawnGuarma = vector3(1243.52978515625, -6857.07861328125, 40.14507293701172), heading = 36.85},
    [4] = {boatGoToStDenis = vector3(1061.169921875, -6630.15625, 40.07622528076172)},
    [5] = {boatInStDenis = vector3(3327.806884765625, -1107.585205078125, 40.26398086547851), headingStDenis = 131.02},
    [6] = {boatInToStDenis = vector3(2872.25244140625, -1528.7435302734375, 40.221099853515625)},
    [7] = {TeleportToStDenis = vector3(2805.40869140625, -1458.469970703125, 43.30545425415039)}
Code accessible No
Subscription based No
Lines 262
Requirements VORP - RedEM:RP - Gum
Support Yes

good job my bro :wink:

1 Like

Amazing !!

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Greetings! Is this for FX or QBcore?

Sorry for the stupid question, very new to Redm server development.

Only for VORP or Redmrp or gum_core