RedM Crafting

this script contains :

  1. A menu for companies to be able to make craft reservations for a job

  2. A menu for crafting items on the campfire

  3. Ability to make weapons

  • :hammer:Configurable 100%

  • :stethoscope: Optimisation

Config = {}
Config.closestPlayer = true -- To avoid any spam in the craft (you can disable it)
Config.ShowBlip = true -- if you want to display company blips for crafting
Config.MainMenu = {"Crafting", "Choix"} -- Menu header
Config.ProgressBar = "Craft en cours ..." -- Progress bar text

Config.webhookName = "Craft"
Config.webhook = ""
Config.Imgwebhook = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/950133201538535474/975100276195328000/craft.png'

-- Hash fire props
Config.PropsCampFire = {
    {props = "s_cookfire01x"},
    {props = "p_campfire04x"},
    {props = "p_campfire03x"}

-- Translation of notifications
Config.Notification = {
    [1] = {text = "Il vous manque des items", duration = 3000},
    [2] = {text = "Vous avez fait ", duration = 3000},
    [3] = {text = "Pas plus de une personne dans la table de craft !", duration = 1000},
    [4] = {text = "Veuillez patienter", duration = 1000},

-- Translation of the prompt
Config.Prompt = {
    [1] = {text = "Menu Craft"},
    [2] = {text = "Crafting"}

Config.OpenMenuCraft = {
    -- Location for craft enterprise
    {coords = vector3(-314.3145446777344, 809.8349609375, 118.97650909423828),     jobs = {"salon", "salon_1", "", ""}, --[[4 jobs max]]  blips = -758970771, blipsName = "Table de craft Saloon",  time = 30000},
    {coords = vector3(-290.0584411621094, 816.4039916992188, 119.38893127441406),  jobs = {"doctor", "doctor_1", "", ""}, --[[4 jobs max]] blips = -758970771, blipsName = "Table de craft Docteur", time = 30000},
    --{coords = vector3(-290.0584411621094, 816.4039916992188, 119.38893127441406),  jobs = {"doctor", "doctor_1", "", ""}, blips = -758970771, blipsName = "Table de craft Docteur", time = 30000},

-- Here you can add craft for business
-- job = craft for the job only, label = The name of the item in the menu, itemCraft = Name of item to give at the end of the craft, givecount = Amount of give for the end of the craft
-- time Temp for the progressbar, itemCraftImg = Menu image (inventory path)

-- ItemData[ item =  Name of the item you need to craft, count = amount of item, img = Menu image (inventory path)]
Config.Craftable = {
    {jobs = {"salon", "salon_1", "", ""}, --[[4 jobs max]] isWeapon = false, label = "Ragout", itemCraft = "stew", givecount = 1, time = 30000,  itemCraftImg = "items/consumable_meat_greavy.png",
        ItemData = { 
            {item = "sugar", itemName = "Sucre",  count = 10, img = "nui://gum_inventory/html/images/items/sugar.png"}, 
            --{item = "PRAIRIE_POPPY", itemName = "Coquelicot Sauvage", count = 1, img = "nui://gum_inventory/html/images/items/consumable_herb_prairie_poppy.png"}, 
            --{item = "sugar", itemName = "Sucre", count = 2, img = "nui://gum_inventory/html/images/items/sugar.png"},

-- Here you can add craft items to the campfire
-- label = The name of the item in the menu, itemCraft = Name of item to give at the end of the craft, givecount = Amount of give for the end of the craft
-- time Temp for the progressbar, itemCraftImg = Menu image (inventory path)

-- ItemData[ item =  Name of the item you need to craft, count = amount of item, img = Menu image (inventory path)]
Config.CraftCampFiretable = {
    {label = "Ragout", isWeapon = false, itemCraft = "stew", givecount = 1, time = 30000,  itemCraftImg = "items/weapon_melee_knife.png.png",
        ItemData = { 
            {item = "sugar", itemName = "Sucre", count = 10, img = "nui://gum_inventory/html/images/items/sugar.png"},

    {label = "Knife", isWeapon = true, itemCraft = "WEAPON_MELEE_KNIFE", givecount = 1, time = 30000,  itemCraftImg = "items/WEAPON_MELEE_KNIFE.png",
        ItemData = { 
            {item = "iron", itemName = "Fer", count = 10, img = "nui://gum_inventory/html/images/items/iron.png"},

My other scripts

Code accessible Client/Config
Subscription based No
Lines 319
Requirements Vorp and RedEM:RP or Gum
Support Yes

Omg nice menu


oh wow, i was looking for this for a long time !! So nice

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Bon boulot :smiley:

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Are your ready-made recipes and items that are shown in the video already built in?

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no it’s up to you to add what you want