[PAID][VORP] nss_damage_control

:gun: nss_damage_control :gun:

VORP :white_check_mark:

Have you always dreamed that gun fights would be a bit more exciting? That a headshot wouldn’t immediately put an end to the fun? Make battles more interesting now!

nss_damage_control by Night Shift Studio is a versatile solution for server administrators: It allows detailed customization of the damage inflicted on players or NPCs and offers the option to enable or disable headshots.

A special feature of the script is the optional damage reduction based on distance. This feature allows for a gradual reduction in damage depending on the distance to the target, which is particularly useful for games with gun fights.

Furthermore, users of the script can configure the damage and headshot control for each weapon individually, allowing for deep gameplay customization. Another benefit of this approach is the impact on game economy - for example, reducing damage could result in players needing more ammunition.


  • Control the damage amount done to players or NPCs.
  • Control if headshots can be done to players or NPCs.
  • Optional: Use range related gradient damage reduction.
  • Optional: Define damage and headshot control for each weapon individually.
  • Tip: If players do the half damage then they need the double amount of bullets which helps your economy.
  • Never miss updates again: Automatic version check included.
  • Know how it works: Everything is documented in detail in the README.md and commented in the demo.config.lua file

Vorp Framework

This script is encrypted.
The price of the product will increase the more features are added.

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:arrow_right: nss_damage_control

Code is accessible No
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements VORP
Support Yes

Will the damage gradation be for each individual weapon, or for all weapons as a whole? It would be nice to make some weapons have very long ranges while others have very short ranges.

The damage grading is currently general, but I’ll include it for the next update, good idea :+1:

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Excellent! Is there anything that can be done about weapon accuracy as well? Or even max/min range?

I like the gradation scale per weapon, but am curious about the range scale. If I have a pistol that has a max range of, say, 30m, if I boost that to 100m would make a pistol fire at full damage up to 100m? Or would it simply do full damage up to the max range of 30 that is the vanilla max range?

Excellent! Is there anything that can be done about weapon accuracy as well? Or even max/min range?

I like the gradation scale per weapon, but am curious if it also adjusts the range in doing so. For example If I have a pistol that has a max range of say 30m, if I boost the dropoff start in the script to 100m, would make a pistol fire at full damage up to 100m? Or would it simply do full damage up to the max range of 30 that is the vanilla max range?

niec work i think im gonna use that

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The maximum range of weapons will not be increased, I am not sure if this is possible, we will check it.

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:star: nss_damage_control :star:

nss_damage_control v1.0.1 available: This update is optional.

  • Fix wrong validation of gradation config values.

What must be considered during the update?

  • Nothing.
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:star: nss_damage_control :star:

nss_damage_control v1.1.0 available:

This update is recommended for new features and bug fixes.

  • Gradation is now configurable for each weapon individually.
  • Add config validator.
  • Damage modifier can now be higher than 1.0 if gradation is enabled.
  • Add debug mode to show damage modifier over player’s/npc head.
  • Debug mode gives you ammo for all weapons defined custom weapon damage configurations.

What must be considered during the update?

Compare your config.lua with config.demo.lua (see new since 1.1.0 marks).

:boom: Important notice for damage modifiers higher than 1.0 :boom:

We have observed game crashes at higher damage modifier values. So please use with caution and, if necessary, slowly approach the point at which the game crashes frequently. We have warned you :supervillain:

:boom: nss_damage_control :boom:

nss_damage_control v1.1.1 available:
This update is recommended.

  • Damage modifier works now as aspected on disabled gradation.

What must be considered during the update?

  • Nothing.

:boom: nss_damage_control :boom:

nss_damage_control v1.1.2 available:
This update is recommended.

  • Remove forgotten debug print output.

What must be considered during the update :question:

  • Nothing :smiling_face: