Musician NPCs anywhere there is a piano.

  • Configurable
    • Each saloon or bar owner gets a menu with which he can call an NPC who then plays the desired instrument
    • The musician can be sent away and called again at any time
    • New locations can be added in the Config



  • VORPCore
  • Menuapi


  • This script is encrypted.

:dollar: Pay on → Tebex

Code is accessible No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements VORP
Support Yes

:convenience_store:Our OTHER STUFF

:arrow_right: nss_chalkboard
:arrow_right: nss_quest
:arrow_right: nss_pinboard
:arrow_right: Krueger_MNPC
:arrow_right: Krueger_Carriages
:arrow_right: Krueger_Camera
:arrow_right: nss_electric_chair
:arrow_right: nss_npc
:arrow_right: nss_block_weapons
:arrow_right: nss_emotes
:arrow_right: nss_players_snapshot
:arrow_right: nss_ped_menu
:arrow_right: nss_damage_control

Hi, how i know if its oxmysql or ghmattimysql

The script does not need a database, otherwise always oxmysql

Do you need a bar owner job or can you allow anyone to use it? I dont really want to lock it to a job.

Yes, you need a Job

Could there possibly a update so you dont? Or is the code editable?

It’s not currently planned, but I wrote it down.

Please convert it to Redemrp-reboot or make it standalone :frowning: