Powered: This Multi Character feature was crafted with the Vite + Vue3 and Tailwind CSS, ensuring high performance and clean design.
Spawn: The Spawn system is highly customizable according to your needs. You can set a custom spawn menu, use the default one, or simply spawn at the last location where your character was.
Photo Mode: An exciting feature allowing you to select the photo filter of your choice. Snap a shot with your desired filter, or utilize the menu for more advanced filter options.
Effects: Add a layer of immersion with various effects. Whenever you change your character, you can choose to trigger a random or specific effect. It adds a dynamic touch to your character selection process.
Animation & Scenario : Use rpemotes or dpemotes animations or scenarios random or single
Slots Management: Slot selection is now more effortless than ever. Just create your character and the system will automatically allocate a slot for you. No more fuss with selecting free slots!
Credits: Show appreciation for the contributors on your server by featuring their names in the Credits. It’s a simple way to give thanks and make them feel valued.
Store: This feature provides a way for users to access the products or services offered for purchase. By clicking the link or button marked as “Store”, they are redirected to the point of sale.
Time and Weather Customization: With this feature, you can set a specific time and weather for the multi-character screen or sync it with your server settings. Create the perfect atmosphere for character selection.
Clean Interface: The interface is designed for the best user experience. If all available slots are filled, you won’t see the “Create New Character” button. If you have only one character, the button to change character will be hidden.
Compatibility [Framework]
- qbcore [Ready]
- qbox [Ready]
- esx-core [Ready]
Compatibility [Clothing Resources]
- illenium-appearance
- fivem-appearance ( old illenium for qb or esx | not aj or default version )
- qb-clothing
- skinchanger
- or custom ( [custom] should work close to them or support events, otherwise your old clothing menus will not work with um-multicharacter )
UM - Multi Character
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1.500~ |
Requirements | ox_lib ~ For ESX Users esx_identity |
Support | Yes |