[PAID] Twitch reward system

This awesome module will allow streamers on your server to be rewarded for broadcasting on the Twitch platform. The module is quite adaptive. You can configure all the necessary settings. It can work as a standalone system or be integrated into an existing one. For this, the code provides support for ESX, QBCore and NDCore, as well as many exported functions.

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Features :star:

  • Completely independent system.
  • Easy to install and configure.
  • ESX, QBCore and NDCore support is enabled with a single parameter in the configuration file.
  • A flexible amount of the reward, which allows you to set both a static figure for the fact of the stream itself, and for each viewer.
  • Checking the streamer category on Twitch as well as the broadcast title will allow you to better promote your server due to streamers.
  • The event system will allow you to connect the module anywhere and any way with a couple of lines of code
  • The possibility of both manual login and authorization through the OAuth Twitch method

Update from 06.01.2023 (v1.1.0)

  • Part of the C# code was rewritten in LUA for optimization and solidity
  • Added support for the NDCore framework upon request

Update from 06.01.2023 (v1.1.1)

  • Added support for the QBCore framework upon request

Example of default chat notify

alt text

You can change this text in the settings file

Exports list

Export name Argmunents Description
addStreamer int source, string login Add one streamer to system
removeStreamer int source Remove streamer from system
disableTwitchCommand bool status Temp Enable/Disable twitch chat command
setTwitchAppConfig string client_id, string client_secret Send new Twitch app config

The exported functions are easy to use. Example:

local source = 1
exports["xander_twitch_reward_system"]:addStreamer(source, 'XanderWP') -- Calling this command will add a streamer with the login XanderWP to the system, linking it to the player with game ID 1
local source = 1
exports["xander_twitch_reward_system"]:removeStreamer(source) -- Calling this command will remove streamer from the system

Input Events list

Export name Argmunents Description
addStreamer int source, string login Add one streamer to system
removeStreamer int source Remove streamer from system
disableTwitchCommand bool status Temp Enable/Disable twitch chat command
setTwitchAppConfig string client_id, string client_secret Send new Twitch app config

The events are the same as the exported methods for ease of use. Example:

---------- LUA ----------
local source = 1
TriggerEvent("addStreamer", source, "XanderWP") -- Calling this event will add a streamer with the login XanderWP to the system, linking it to the player with game ID 1
local source = 1
TriggerEvent("removeStreamer", source) -- Calling this event will remove streamer from the system
// ---- JavaScript ---- //
// -------------------- //
let source = 1;
emit("addStreamer", source, "XanderWP"); // Calling this event will add a streamer with the login XanderWP to the system, linking it to the player with game ID 1
// -------------------- //
let source = 1;
emit("removeStreamer", source); // Calling this event will remove streamer from the system
// -------------------- //

How to install the script?

Everything is very simple. It is enough to unpack it into a folder with resources and connect it to the server.cfg by adding the command:

ensure xander_twitch_reward_system

List of settings in the configuration file

Name Type of value Description
client_id string Twitch application Client ID
client_secret string Twitch application Secret Key
tick_minutes int Interval for check streamers
min_online integer Minimum number of viewers
game_id string Twitch Game category (32982 - GTA:V by default)
title_keywords Array of string List of keywords that are required in the title to receive an award. At least one match is required. Case insensitive
reward_for_online integer Base Reward
reward_for_viewer integer Award for each viewer
chat_command string Chat command with which the player can specify their Twitch login. If you use a third-party database with logins, it is recommended to disable it. To disable, just leave an empty line.
chat_command_type string Chat command work type. Can be chat or oauth. We recommend using the second option so that the player cannot specify someone else’s Twitch profile
chat_oauth_base_url string Base URL for redirect user in browser when chat command work and type set to oauth
chat_command_answer_no_login string Chat message that is sent to the player if he called the command to bind Twitch without specifying a login
chat_command_answer_incorrect_login string Chat message that is sent to the player if he called the command to bind Twitch with an incorrect login
chat_command_answer_success string Chat message sent to the player after successfully linking Twitch
custom_event string An event to which data on active streamers is sent to connect the reward to any of your systems
custom_client_event string An event that sends data to the streamer in the client code
reward_chat_notify boolean Enable or disable the notification of receiving a reward in the chat
reward_chat_notify_text string The text of the message about the award. Word
esx_support boolean Enable or disable connection to ESX framework. If ESX is not detected - this parameter will be ignored anyway
esx_reward_type string Type of money for reward in ESX framework. Can be money or bank
ndcore_support string Enable or disable connection to NDCore framework. If NDCore is not detected - this parameter will be ignored anyway
qbcore_support string Enable or disable connection to QBCore framework. If QBCore is not detected - this parameter will be ignored anyway

How to register the Twitch app

Application registration is available in Twitch Dev console

If you use the option of specifying a login through authorization, you must specify the redirect page in the application settings. Example - http://localhost:30120/xander_twitch_reward_system/twitch

The selected part depends on the address for connecting to the server, as well as the value in the config parameter chat_oauth_base_url

Code accessible Config Only
Source language LUA
Subscription-based No
Lines 750+
Requirements No (Custom frameworks Support optional)
Support Yes
Future Updates Free

Is it possible to use NDCore function? functions - ND Framework

Yes, it’s possible. You can independently connect the script to any framework with a couple of lines of code. Also, if you want, I can implement native support for NDCore into the system like ESX.


That would be awesome. NDCore is a fast growing framework alongside ox resources for standalone servers that don’t run esx or qbcore. Most devs completely ignore non esx or qbcore servers which is extremely frustrating.

In our case we use some features of NDs framework such as the currency which is the addMoney export etc. If you could integrate that you would get more sales no doubt too on the script.

I most certainly will buy it!

Tagging @Andyyy7666 for NDCore mention

Also welcome back @XanderWP last post was 4 years ago it says haha. Lots has changed since then.

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Ready. The framework is connected and already available for interaction out of the box.


i see it says standalone but can I use on QB? sorry for the dumb question just want to be sure

@WLFPKdave1 Yes, of course you can. The event can be passed to any framework. I can also add QB support to the resource, if you want.

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just bought that one FIREEEEEEE

Amazing! buying now!

@LegacysMaps Thank you. I’m glad you liked it. If you have any questions - ask anytime, I’ll answer as soon as I can :slight_smile:


Hello @XanderWP! In the twitchRewardNotify event, which I guess is a server-event.
What is passed along in it?

Trying to implement it for a custom framework :slight_smile:
Would be cool if you opened up the framework functions, so we can sort that stuff ourself.

Hello, if you’re talking about custom event - server send next object with next keys: login, title, viewers, money