[Paid] [ESX/QBCore/NDCore/Custom] Reward hunt system


This system will motivate your players to drive around the map in search of rewards.
The script will create a suitcase with money in a random place. The amount, position, as well as how it will be displayed on the map is easily configured in the configuration file

Preview: YouTube
Buy: Tebex

Check my other works
:movie_camera: Twitch Reward System
:rotating_light: Speed cameras
:world_map: Map Board System

Update 12.01.2023 (v1.0.1)

  • Fixed blip color from config value
  • Fixed check display parameter for correct display target
  • Money param in config can be table with 2 number. In this situation system will get random number between its
  • Added param Config.Notify.Type. Can be screen and chat. screen - fullscreen notify like in prewiew, chat - send notify in default chat system.

Features :star:

  • Simple Configuration
  • Support for many frameworks
  • Setting the amount and type of reward payment (bank or cash)
  • More than 50 pre-prepared points for placement.
  • Customizable notification when a suitcase is found
  • Custom event system for send event into your any framework

Other data

Code accessible Config
Subscription-based No
Lines ~300
Requirements ESX, QBCore, NDCore (One of them)
Support Yes
Future Updates Free

Another great release!

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Thank you)

Just bought two more of you scrips this one and other one. Keep up the great work!!!

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Thanks, I’m glad you like my works)

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I don’t see config file with reward system files?

Also note fx_version ‘bodacious’ is outdated its now fx_version ‘cerulean’

@LegacysMaps Hello. I apologize for this situation, the corrected archive has already been uploaded to the Tebex store

Edit: Updated

Within an hour I will release an update that fixes bugs and adds new functionality.

@LegacysMaps done. Update uploaded to tebex store. Changelog:

  • Fixed blip color from config value
  • Fixed check display parameter for correct display target
  • Money param in config can be table with 2 number. In this situation system will get random number between its
  • Added param Config.Notify.Type. Can be screen and chat. screen - fullscreen notify like in prewiew, chat - send notify in default chat system.

Config.Notify.Title = “Gift Hunt”
Config.Notify.Text = “You Found $@money@”
Config.Notify.TextGlobal = “@name@ found $@money@”

I can’t seem to get these to work for me at all. Can anyone else confirm?

What exactly is the problem? The notification is not displayed or the text of the notification is not correct? More details are needed to understand what is wrong and how to fix it.

It does not display at all in chat window or any other form of notification.

Make sure that you have Config.Notify.Type in config, if not - notification will not work too

Config.Notify.Type = “screen”
and I’ve tried Config.Notify.Type = “chat”

is that not correct

Can you send me in DM how your config looks like and screenshot of error if you have it?