Immerse yourself in the streets of Los Santos than ever before with out Traffic control script for your city! This script puts you in the shoes of a traffic boss, giving you the power to observe effectively control the flow of traffic in the city.
- /trafficstop [radius]
Allows government officials to stop traffic within the radius they set.
- /trafficslow [radius] [maxspeed]
Allows government officials to slow down traffic within the radius and max speed they set..
- /trafficclear [ControlId]
Allows government officials clear traffic control(s) that are place...
- /trafficfetch
Fetch active traffic zones...
QB |✅|
ESX |✅|
Standalone |✅|
Code is accessible |
Config Only |
Subscription-based |
No |
Lines (approximately) |
300+ |
Requirements |
Respected Framework |
Support |
Yes |
Just looked on your store and it looks like you have this for ESX and QB, do you have it for Standalone using Ace Perms by chance?
Yes, will be released today or tomorrow!
A couple questions I do have about this. One of our former members wrote a similar concept script to do this for our community but it is a menu based tool that and the menu is cumbersom to navigate so I like the idea of the command based function of yours but we found a couple downsides to the one we had before that I want to see if they will be issues in it as well.
- If you create a “zone” but then you somehow die, your zone still shows on the map but it no longer restricts the traffic so you have to remove your zone and put in a new one (or someone else has to do a new one).
- If you die, others cannot remove your zone. It no longer functions becuase of the above issue, but it still shows on the map. Same goes if you crash. Dieing is less of an issue because you can still delete yours but if you crash, then your zone’s circle is there until the next server restart (or at least until we restart the resource)
More updates are coming, and I can confirm that a menu based side is one of the top priority for a feature in one of our next few updates.
To talk about the down side, negative, the script is fully functional and handled server side. So, no type of issue with dying and not being able to still remove “zone” would be a issue.
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Traffic Control Script Update: 12/13/2023
- Street Name added to notification
** A update has been submitted for mtf-trafficcontrol, please head over to keymaster and download the new update! Remember to always check your Config to make sure everything still to your liking. **