[PAID] Taser Framework


SN-Taser: A script made to prevent abuse of tasers by removing infinite ammo on tasers and I feel native taser stun does not last long enough


  • Low Resmon
  • Clean UI
  • Customizable UI can be moved around
  • User Friendly
  • Easy to use drag and drop

More Info: Documentation Website
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Config = {}

Config.Framework = 'qb-core'---'qb-core' -- Can be: qb-core, esx, standalone

Config.MaxCartages = 2 -- What the max ammo is

Config.TaseTime  = 8 --- The time players will be tased for in seconds

Config.ReloadTime = 5 --- The it takes to reload in seconds

Resmon (idle):
in use its 0.02 (basicaly imposible to make it less (T _ T)

Code is accessible No Config Only
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~400
Requirements None
Support Yes
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Perfect for cop RP! :star_struck: