A unique clothing menu that allows you to quickly take off or put clothing back on for an easier rp experience.
Shop: Tebex
Preview Video: Medal
Built to work with SN-VehicleMenu:
Config = {}
Config.ShowProps = true
Config.AllowInVehicle = false
Config.MainMenu = {
DefaultKey = '',
Command = 'clothing',
CommandHelpText = 'Toggle Clothing'
Config.Defaults = {
['top'] = {
Emote = {animDict = 'missmic4', animName = 'michael_tux_fidget', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
Male = {
[3] = {drawableId = 15, textureId = 0}, -- hands
[8] = {drawableId = 15, textureId = 0}, -- shirt
[11] = {drawableId = 15, textureId = 0}, -- jacket
Female = {
[3] = {drawableId = 15, textureId = 0}, -- hands
[8] = {drawableId = 14, textureId = 0}, -- shirt
[11] = {drawableId = 840, textureId = math.random(0,1)}, -- jacket
['legs'] = {
Emote = {animDict = 'move_m@_idles@shake_off', animName = 'shakeoff_1', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
Male = {
[4] = {drawableId = 61,textureId = math.random(0,13)}, -- legs
Female = {
[4] = {drawableId = 220,textureId = math.random(0,25)}, -- legs
['shoes'] = {
Emote = {animDict = 'random@domestic', animName = 'pickup_low', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
Male = {
[6] = {drawableId = 34,textureId = 0}, -- shoes
Female = {
[6] = {drawableId = 35,textureId = 0}, -- shoes
['bag'] = {
Emote = {animDict = 'missmic4', animName = 'michael_tux_fidget', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
Male = {
[5] = {drawableId = 0,textureId = 0}, -- bag
Female = {
[5] = {drawableId = 0,textureId = 0}, -- bag
['armor'] = {
Emote = {animDict = 'missmic4', animName = 'michael_tux_fidget', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
Male = {
[9] = {drawableId = 0,textureId = 0}, -- vest
Female = {
[9] = {drawableId = 0,textureId = 0}, -- vest
['mask'] = {
Emote = {animDict = 'missminuteman_1ig_2', animName = 'tasered_2', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
Male = {
[1] = {drawableId = 0,textureId = 0}, -- mask
Female = {
[1] = {drawableId = 0,textureId = 0}, -- mask
['necklace'] = {
Emote = {animDict = 'clothingtie', animName = 'try_tie_positive_a', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
Male = {
[7] = {drawableId = 0,textureId = 0}, -- neck Accessory
Female = {
[7] = {drawableId = 0,textureId = 0}, -- neck Accessory
['hat'] = {
PropID = 0,
Emote = {animDict = 'missminuteman_1ig_2', animName = 'tasered_2', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
['glasses'] = {
PropID = 1,
Emote = {animDict = 'missminuteman_1ig_2', animName = 'tasered_2', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
['ears'] = {
PropID = 2,
Emote = {animDict = 'missminuteman_1ig_2', animName = 'tasered_2', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
['watch'] = {
PropID = 6,
Emote = {animDict = 'missmic4', animName = 'michael_tux_fidget', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
['bracelet'] = {
PropID = 7,
Emote = {animDict = 'missmic4', animName = 'michael_tux_fidget', flag = 16,duration = 1000},
More Scripts
SN-IDCards QBCore
- 0.0 ms resmon (idle)
- Works with all frameworks
- Configurable
- Only shows the clothing you have on
- User friendly
- Drag and drop
- Unique UI
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~400 |
Requirements | None |
Support | Yes |