[PAID] [STANDALONE] Mx-LandMine v1.7 | MxFloofy Development


MxFloofy Development is a development group, working to make quality clothing textures, props, and scripts from FiveM servers to enjoy. Our Mx-LandMine script allows you to place a CUSTOM landmine prop, which when a player enters a specific radius it will cause them to enter a mini-game to be able to attempt to defuse it. If the player is in a vehicle they will not be able to defuse it, and if they player is in a “Defuse Vehicle” it will cause the landmine to blow up with a smaller explosion in front of the vehicle (this is for use by vehicles with mine sweepers).


  • Fully configurable landmine system (config how long it takes to place, how long you have to get away before it is armed, explosion type, explosion multiplier (for both ground and vehicles), what vehicles cause a small explosion that does little to no damage)
  • Defuse Ability
  • Allows minesweepers to work properly (with configing)
  • Ace Perms
  • Discord Logging
  • Custom Landmine Prop


  • 1.0 - Release

  • 1.1 - Bug fixes and general improvement of vehicle detection

  • 1.2 - More bug fixes and general improvements of the script

  • 1.3 - Added /clearallmines command (can be disabled, locked behind ace perms, are made so anyone can use) - More embeds (for defuse and destroy) - Keybinds (can be changed or disabled) - Ability to change the command name - More config options - Improved vehicle and ped detection (some more)

  • 1.4 - Fixed landmine not deleting for everyone | Fixed the /clearallmines not clear props not placed by you

  • 1.5 - Fixed vehicles breaking the entire code - No longer will cause landmines to be unusable if you get in a vehicle. Also brought the script down to only 0.05 ms at peak.

  • 1.6 - Added ability to translate script into your own language - Added a couple more config options - Also patched another bug I made when patching the last bug

  • 1.7 - Bug Fixes

  • 1.8 - Added Ox-Inventory Support

Purchase Link



Mx-LandMine Showcase Video

These are not “required” but they do make the script that much better.
[Release] Pogress Bar (Progress Bar, standalone, smooth animation) Redesigned

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~430
Requirements None
Support Yes

nice work bro

thanks making scripts for mili servers

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Yeah as a MilSim owner myself I see how few scripts there are for our community and the ones that are, were made for LEO servers first.

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nice man

Update 1.6


  • Added a Language config file
    • Which means you are able to translate the script into your own language


  • Made it so you no longer have to drag the mine folder out when installing the script
  • Patched a bug I created when fixing the last bug
  • Messed around with some things to keep performace low

Available now on keymaster if you have already purchased it, if not check out the tebex page to get the newest update

very cool! any plans to make like tox1c gas land mine version?

I haven’t thought about that.
I could technically do it.

I have been trying to come up with stuff to do for version 2.0 so that could be something.

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Plenty of interesting ideas you could do, could make a minigame to escape the bomb as opposed to picking it up, also a cool other idea could be a sonic boom land mine that just pushes the person and/ or vehicle instead of blowing it up :+1: anyways great work :wink:

Update 1.7


  • Fixed Ace Perms not working (finally)

There is already a little “mini-game” to defuse the landmine as oppose to it just blowing up.
I’ll prop make a couple of variants of the landmine later but I would have to make a custom prop for each.

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I might have been gone for a while but I am back (kinda) I will be working on a script during my free time. However I need some suggestions what do you all want to see next from me?

Update 1.8


  • Ox-Inventory Support
    • Including new config option to disable commands
    • Item config in the readme
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Parking Ticket script with ticket that goes into their inventory but has details on it like a form. Someone made one called Ticket Printer but it was buggy and didnt work properly and they never fixed it. But its needed for immersion. Kind of like in the game Flashing Lights