[PAID] [Standalone] high-3dsounds | The best audio system

so much for reading the documentation, really needed it for reference and now it’s preventing me from accessing the website cause it is saying that "Chrome has blocked this site because it uses HSTS or something like that…

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Fix your docs certificate, then talk about lack of skills TO YOUR CUSTOMERS

no xsound doesnt have 3d sound and when u enter a vehicle then the music isnt muffled but high_3dsound has this feature.

Yeah, but is those small features / improvements really worth the 50€?
That is what my comment was talking about, which is why it says “but” and “does the job considering

The improvements are all-over. The performance is incomparable with xsound’s, you can create multiple audios next to you without a huge impact on the performance. There are a lot of stuff planned and already in the works additionally to all there is in the resource currently.

Not really something I can control, the docs is hosted on gitbook.

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Good evening,
Many bad words on this script I stop you right away this script is just perfect the tutorial and explanation is clear and simple If you did not know add a script it becomes pathetic very good after sales service. always available to meet the most accurate of our expectations.
In short I highly recommend this person’s scripts.

Good continuation.

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So on idle how much ms?

this probably would’ve been very revolutionary and a new replacement of xsound if it wasn’t $50, oh well.

Can I play videos longer than 15 minutes unlike mx-surround?