[PAID] [Standalone] 2S-AL | 2-Step/Anti-Lag Script | Vanilla Integrated

Hi everyone, Legacy_DMC Here.

Today, is the release of my new 2-Step/Anti-Lag Script “2S-AL”

What Is 2S-AL?

2S-AL is a new FiveM Anti-Lag/2-Step script that aims in providing a completly game integrated 2-Step/Anti-lag system, with unique pops per vehicle, completly syncronized effects (dials, audio, ptfx)

2S-AL is extremely easy to use, it is also very customizable, allowing for players to build their anti-lag system however they wish.

The main focus of 2S-AL is provide a vanilla integrated anti-lag slash 2-step system. This script, does not utilize any external sound effect through wav files in a folder, or spawns particle effects in the exhaust.

The way 2S-AL Works, is by natively creating an actual backfire on the sound, and properly simulating an antilag slash 2-step system behaviour, so not only it allows for features such as unique pop sound effect per vehicle, since it will be streamed from the sound mod, but also allow for RPM sound syncronization, functional boost pressure building, and many more.

2S-AL Is very well optimized, and completly syncronized within all the players.

If that wasn’t enough, 2S-AL also improves and fixes a few game features, which you can read in detail or watch our demo video.


  • Features A Menu
  • Bindable Keybinds for several actions
  • Live Configurable 2-Step
  • Live Configurable Anti-lag System
  • Live Configurable Flat-Shift System
  • Live Configurable Rolling Anti-Lag System
  • Built-in Help/How-to-use
  • Fully Synced
  • Well Optimized
  • Has Game Enhancements


You can read the comment bellow, or watch our demonstration video:

2S-AL | Video Demo| FiveM 2-Step/Anti-Lag Script - YouTube

Or, if you prefer seeing it directly in action, you can see our release and reveal trailers!

2S-AL | Launch Trailer | FiveM 2-Step/Anti-Lag Script - YouTube

2S-AL | Reveal Trailer | FiveM 2-Step/Anti-Lag Script - YouTube


2S-AL Can be purchase on tebex here:

Legacy_Store | Scripts (legacydmc.net)


If you’d like to get some 2S-AL Ready sound mods, be sure to check these!

Legacy_Store | JDM Trinity Pack

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1865
Requirements None
Support Yes

Details of 2S-AL

Chapter 1: Welcome.

Welcome, to the 2S-AL Demostration Manual.
Within this Manual, i’ll walk you through 2S-AL, providing information and details on all it’s features.

While 2S-AL is extremely easy to use, it is also very customizable, allowing for players to build their anti-lag system however they wish.

The main focus of 2S-AL is provide a vanilla integrated anti-lag slash 2-step system. This script, does not utilize any external sound effect through wav files in a folder, or spawns particle effects in the exhaust.

The way 2S-AL Works, is by natively creating an actual backfire on the sound, and properly simulating an antilag slash 2-step system behaviour, so not only it allows for features such as unique pop sound effect per vehicle, since it will be streamed from the sound mod, but also allow for RPM sound syncronization, functional boost pressure building, and many more.
and if that wasn’t enough, 2S-AL also improves and fixes a few game features, which will be showed in detail later on this video.

Information on how to prepare your sound mod, or prefered sound to be compatible with 2S-AL will be on the link that is in the description of this video.

So now, let’s start the walkthrough!

Chapter 2: The Menu

2S-AL Features a menu, that can be accessed by pressing “.” on your keyboard.

In the 2S-AL Menu, you will be able to setup and configure several functions of the antilag slash 2-step system

2S-AL had two goals in mind when developed, Easy to use And Highly Configurable.

So, within this goals, we have created an easy keybind system, to allow users to quickly control menu functions, and open the menu with whatever keys works the best for them.

In order to set a custom keybind, pause your game, navigate to “settings”, “keyboard”, “FiveM”

and you will see the keybind options for several 2S-AL features, Such as open the menu or Hot keys for enabling features of the anti-lag slash 2-step system.

Now, let’s get back, and start exploring the menu.

Within the menu, we have 7 options.

2-Step, Antilag, General Settings, Menu Settings, Help, Discord and exit.

Let’s start by the “2-Step Menu”

Chapter 2.1: 2-Step

In the 2-Step menu, you have two options. “Enable 2 Step” and 2-Step RPM Range.

The “Enable 2 Step” Button, is a toggle button which allows you to disable or enable 2-step. This can be attached on a keybind, so you may be able to enable/disable the 2-step feature, without opening the menu. By default, the keybind is 2 on keyboards. There is no default keybind for a controller.

The 2-Step RPM Range, is the range of the RPM which the 2-step will cut. So, let’s say, your engine revs up to 8000RPM, if you set it to 55%, the 2-step will cut the throttle, at 4400 RPM. Please note that the engine max RPM is defined by the sound mod, and not by the vehicle handling, or gauges.

The 2-Step RPM Range, goes from a minimal of 55%, to a maximum of 84%. To change it, while it is selected on the menu, press the left or right key to increase or decrease the rpm percentage.

Chapter 2.2: Antilag

Now, in the antilag menu.

Here, we have Five Options.

“Enable Antilag”,“Enable Flat-Shift”,“Enable Rolling Antilag”,“Antilag Pop Interval” and “Experimental Settings”.

The Enable Antilag Button, is also a toggle button, that allows you to disable or enable anti-lag. Like the 2-step, it also is a bindable option, but it does not have a default keybind.

The Enable Flat-Shift Button, controls the flat-shift, which will randomly make one or two exhaust pops if you are holding the throttle while shifting. Like the anti-lag button, it also is a bindable toggle button that enables/disables this feature.

The Enable Rolling Antilag Button, will enable/disable the rolling antilag. Rolling Antilag is a feature that will allow you to use your anti-lag to build your boost pressure while in movement. While holding the rolling anti-lag key, which is LB/L1 For Gamepads, or TAB for keyboards, the rolling anti-lag will automatically hold your current speed, while activates the anti-lag, and builds your boost pressure.

Release the rolling anti-lag key to launch with a power increase, once the boost is fully built.

The Antilag Pop Interval controls the antilag pop interval, that is, the time it takes to a pop play, after one happens, in milli-seconds. a larger value, means a slower anti-lag, a shorter value, a faster anti-lag.

The Antilag Pop Interval has a minimal value of 10 milli-seconds and a maximum value of 250 milli-seconds, like the 2-Step RPM Range, to change it, while it is selected on the menu, press the left or right key to increase or decrease the interval time.

The Experimental Settings Is a submenu, which has currently in development features, those features aren’t completed yet, so they might not work properly.

Chapter 2.3 General Settings

The general settings menu, has only one option.

“Vehicle Needs Turbo Equipped”.

This is also a toggle button, but it isn’t bindable. When enabled, it will require a turbo upgrade to be equipped for the 2-step or anti-lag function.

Please note that the server may enforce this feature, thus, removing the possibility of the client or player, to choose if it would like it enabled or disabled.

When that happens, a message will show-up informing that.

Chapter 2.4 Menu Settings

The Menu settings menu, also has only one option.

“Right Align”.

This is a toggle button, that isn’t bindable. When enabled, it will align the menu on the right side of the screen.

Chapter 2.5 Help Menu

In the help menu, you’ll find small texts explaining the functions in details.

To read the texts, simply hover on what you’d like to know about, and press the right or left key to navigate through the text pages.

Chapter 2.6 Discord

The discord option, shows our discord server invite link! Consider joining it if you’d like to be on pair with the latest releases, obtain support and much more.

Chapter 2.7 Exit

This doesn’t need any explaining.

Chapter 3 The Improvements

Now that we have got to know the menu, let’s talk about the game improvements.

In native Five M, the RPM Syncronization, isn’t necessairly the best. It works very well, but, for the sake of optimization it doesn’t syncronizes the rpm fast enough on stunt manouvers, like drifting, or doing donuts, making the vehicle do the stunt, but in a weird low rpm manner.

with 2S-AL this is no longer an issue. When needed, 2S-AL will take over the rpm syncronization, and automatically sync it, so that both players may hear the same thing, when ever the vehicle is in a intensive manouver.

2S-AL Also re enables the capacity of revving your engine while airborn, allowing for realistic sound effects on stunts like rally jumps.

Those are only two improvements, that will already enhance your game experience, and you can rest assured, that more will come as the script develops further.

Chapter 4 The Performance

When Developing 2S-AL, Performance was a major concern. 2S-AL is a script that requires controlling native game functions, like the RPM, so, using very precise timing, we were able to make it function without needing to run at every frame.

Each part of the script, runs at the timing it’s required to, not every part needs to run every frame.

Thanks to that, we have achieved under 0.10 milli-seconds performance.

With 4 Vehicles on screen, with 2S-AL at work, we in fact, kept at a maximum of 0.08 milli-seconds.

We understand that menus also bring performance hits, as it also needs to run every frame.

On 2S-AL, with the menu open, and a single vehicle using 2S-AL functions, we were able to keep the performance at under 0.15 milli-seconds.

2S-AL, is a frame based script, so please note, that on lower framerates the frequency of the pops and effects might be lower.

We reccomend a computer capable of running the game at a minimal of 40 FPS for usage of 2S-AL.

Chapter 5 The Server

2S-AL, took in consideration not only the client, but the server side optimization.

With 2S-AL, Server updates will only happen when the client can see a vehicle, in a radius of up to 75 Meters.

2S-AL Has a server sided config, that allows the owner to suit the script for the experience it would like to serve to the players.

on the config.lua file, The server owner can setup a default antilag or 2 step configuration for all the vehicles, and enforce it to the players.

If you’d like to follow that route, make sure to disable the menu for players.

Now, if you wish to keep a more customizable experience,allowing everything else, but still ask for a turbo upgrade, you can enforce that too, which would be our reccomended option for role-play servers.

Every option is synced for everyone, which means, that if, let’s say, player A has a 50 milli-seconds pop interval, and player B has a 10 milli-seconds pop interval, they will see the difference.

Overall the syncronization is a slightly slower, but not less exciting version of what you will see on the client side.

We were able to pass almost all limitations, but due to optimization constraints, the only limitation at the moment, is that the 2-step rpm percentage, on syncronization will only go as low as 63%.

Chapter 6 Conclusion

So, this was 2S-AL, much more than a anti-lag slash 2-step system, also a game enhancer, a new experience.

Thank you for being with us on this walkthrough, we sincerely hope to have exceed your expectaions.

If there are any doubts left, feel free to open a support ticket at our discord, which has it’s link on this video description.

2S-AL is available exclusivily in tebex, and can be also purchased in the link on this video description.

We hope to see you soon, with more exciting content, to truly transform your game experience.

nice script :+1:


it work fine in my rp server
:brazil: :+1:


The most interest thing is vanilla integraded, where we already tons of vehicle sounds with custom pops, so you don’t need add them manually and works more naturally!! i love it :grin:

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nice job

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