[PAID] Scully Weapon Sling v3 (Synced with attachments, tints and variants!)

I’m confused about what you’re saying. I’ve bought t his script for QB-core, it’s working perfectly fine, just use 4 and 5 on the num pad while holding a long range weapon and it goes exactly where it’s supposed to?

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  • Added an export to remove slinged weapons.
  • Made it so the sling no longer removes the weapon when slinged it will just disable it in the weapon wheel until unslinged.
  • Added a config option to set up custom sling locations for different vests.
  • Now supports all weapons including Marko mods’ and fluffy mods’ weapons.

Now supports auto slinging weapons on your back, requires my holster to work.

hi can you giveme a CustomAdd = function(weaponHash) example i use ox_inventory
i will buy it

what are all the weapon already configure can i get a list (marko mods)

not support with ox_inventory and no support with this problem

Anyone have issues with this script where sometimes guns will float as a player walks away after slinging it (or if a player logs out while weapon slung)?

Additionally, anyone else having issue where if you enter a vehicle with a slung weapon, all hell breaks loose? lol

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Support is provided in the discord

Hey is it possible for me to make this script use ox_inv, but making it so that weapon needs to have sling attachment to do that, otherwise you cant put it away, or it will drop on the ground if you put it away without sling attachment?

no there is a problem with keymaster so scully not update since 05 2022 i bought it and now im still waitting for update

How did you fix this? I have the same issue. Qbcore

Will this work on QBcore

hey sam, did you ever get this and adjust it?


  • Performance improvements.
  • Fixed a bug where you could pull out a weapon that was on your sling without unslinging it if auto sling was disabled.
  • No longer needs to be started before the holster.
  • You can no longer spam the sling.
  • Fixed bug with ox and qbcore where it would use some auto sling functionality when it’s disabled.

Please stop using this topic for support and use the support link provided on our store.

Complete re-write pushed to your keymasters! You now have synced tints and variants and a brand new optional UI that will allow your players to configure their own sling locations too! I have also implemented a bridge system with an ox_inventory bridge provided by default!

i do not like this new update. I like the old one better

has anyone figured out a bridge for QB?

As mentioned in our announcement you can revert to the previous version if you are not happy with this version while we gather community feedback. If you have any feedback please feel free to share your thoughts in our customer channels. We do not usually communicate on the cfx forums, it’s rarely checked and only really used to post updates.

You can find a link to our documentation in our community guild. If you need a specific bridge maybe another community member can share theirs with you by asking in the customer general chat.