[Paid] Rex Diner's Clothes & Items


This is a new pack :

  • 14 items
  • 2 Clothes for Female (Hat & Top)
  • 2 Clothes for Male (Hat & Top)
    Low price and available on my tebex page!

Tebex Page : >LINK<


Features :

* Roleplay Job Clothes
* Female & Male
* 14 Items Ready (For Inventory Script)

All Projects :

Clothes :
[FREE] Summer Bag 2K23 : >LINK<
[FREE] Cherry Swimsuit : >LINK<
[PAID] Black And White Top [M] : >LINK<
[PAID] Rex Diner’s Clothes & Items : >LINK<
[PAID] Benny’s Pack : >LINK<
[PAID] Pastel Bag [16 Colors] : >LINK<
Scripts :
[PAID] Loading Screen Black And Yellow : >LINK<
[FREE] Pause Menu [Any Framework] : >LINK<
[PAID] Restaurant Menu : >LINK<
UI :
[PAID] Shop Themed Item Picture [+30] : >LINK<
[PAID] Rex Diner’s Props Pack : >LINK<

Code is accessible LUA Obfuscated
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 0
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Two questions:

  1. are the models escrowed? (Want to pack them in with other clothing so I can save .ydr slots for mp_freemode ped)
  2. Are the items just png’s? or are they props?

Hello GrizzyVV
The 3D models it’s escrowed but you can edit texture.
Item are juste PNG in 150x150 for any inventory script.

If you want i can make only cloth open source !

If you have any question or problem with my any assets, you can come on my discord or with PM ! :smiling_face:

I am open to criticism and opinions !

Have a nice day !

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I am curious about the same thing, not a fan of every clothing purchase having to a forced clothing folder when it can be packed.

Hi @OneHypocrisy, if you want i Can make same assets in open source but the price are not same ! :sweat_smile:

Whatever that can be worked out I am fine with, I can join the discord and we can chat? Its just a huge preference to pack clothing or replace existing ya know? And paying any sort of difference I am more than okay with.

yes yes you can, when you come you just have to create a ticket so that we can discuss it, no worries :sweat_smile:

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OP request