[Paid Release] [RedEM:RP & VORP] RicX Snake Venom

RicX Snake Venom RedEM:RP & VORP

The client.lua, server.lua, utils.lua files and logic are locked by CFX Escrow System

Different snakes will give different effect when they attack a player.
9 total different venom and 9 total different snake (there is 11 snakes in game which are different, but 2 snakes are not spawned by default in game, those have also venom effect, but cant be found by default)

The script does not handle spawning snakes. You can spawn them with any script or find the game engine spawned snakes

3 different kind of snakes:

- Non-venomous snakes : Does only extra damage to character upon attack
Different type of damages: Low, Medium, High
- Hemotoxic venom snakes: Does damage to the character while the venom is active
Hemotoxic venom has different types: Weak, Medium, Average, Potent, Strong
- Proteolytic venom snakes: Kills the character after the timer of venom activation ends

Black-tailed Rattlesnake
Fer-de-lance snake
Southern Copperhead snake
Northern Copperhead snake
Giant Boa
Red-tailed Boa
Sunglow Boa
Rainbow Boa
Diamondback Rattlesnake
Timber Rattlesnake
Diamond Giant Rattlesnake

Players can drink elixirs to cure different venom. One elixir cures the Hemotoxic venom, the other cures the Proteolytic venom.
Venom effect will be saved in the MySQL, players either cure the venom or wait for end of it (or their lives)

vorp_items.sql – VORP file
ricx_effects.sql – for saving the venom
config_s.lua – server side configs
config.lua --client side configs
events.lua – logics for notification and drink function
server.lua – server side file LOCKED BY CFX ESCROW
client.lua – client side file LOCKED BY CFX ESCROW
util.lua – server side utils LOCKED BY CFX ESCROW
not.js – notification logic

1. Features

  • Easy to config
  • Add any kind of venom effect to any kind of snake
  • Low CPU usage

2.1 RedEM:RP Dependencies


2.2 VORP Dependencies


3. How to Install

  1. Make sure the server is connected to the keymaster account which has the package access
  2. Put ricx_snakepoison into server-data/resources/
  3. In server.cfg add “ensure ricx_snakepoison” after redemrp/vorp resources
  4. Configure the config file if needed
  5. Add the items to config (redemrp) or database (vorp) and import the effects sql to database (both framework)
  6. Restart the server

The client.lua, server.lua, utils.lua files and logic are locked by CFX Escrow System

Video: https://youtu.be/-m9B8fum7d8

Tebex: https://ricx-scripts.tebex.io/package/5017959 NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE, ONLY SUB VERSION
Tebex Sub: https://ricx-scripts.tebex.io/package/5494995

I absolutey love this script is is like the best ive seen on the platform of cfx.re i am from Texas and I Develope a FiveM RolePlay server is there any possible way i request this script to be made for qbcore on fivem ?? I will obviouslt pay for this please …

For oxmysql and QBcore

Hey, no there is no fivem version at all. On RedM you can use on QBR/QR core, but there is no FiveM

it seems this script is no longer avadabile to purchase ?