[YMAP] Mexico - RicX Hotel

RedM YMAP - MEXICO - Hotel - RicX YMaps

A complete, custom Hotel in Mexico. Compatible with RedM (RedEM:RP, VORP or QBR) Hotel with different rooms and outside restaurant.
6 Hotel Rooms
1 Bath Room
1 Kitchen
1 Office
Inside & Outside Restaurants

Video: RedM YMAP - MEXICO - RicX Hotel #1 - RicX YMaps - YouTube

Github: GitHub - zelbeus/ricx_mexico_hotel: Mexico Hotel for RedM

Interesting RedM Works:

Animal Skinning [RedEM:RP & VORP]
Blackjack [RedEM:RP & VORP]
Market Stalls [RedEM:RP & VORP]
Snake Venoms [RedEM:RP & VORP]
Herb Collect [RedEM:RP & VORP]
Property System [RedEM:RP]
Boats [RedEM:RP]
Coaches [RedEM:RP]
Pickaxe [RedEM:RP & VORP]


Settlement #1:

All RedM Scripts: RicX Scripts Tebex

Free RedM Scripts: Github