[PAID] [RedEM:RP & VORP] Multijob System - MarshalDevScripts

Marshal Multijob

A complete and fully developed multijob system
that allows easy and robust use for players
without the need of admin assistance and
a easy to use management menu!

Video Link: Marshal Multijob System - REDM Script - VORP & REDEM RP - #VORP #REDEMRP #REDM - YouTube
Store Link: https://marshal.tebex.io/package/5205404

Core Features

Feature One: Multijob Switch Job Manager

  1. Ability to Switch between multiple jobs
    and Save current Job!
  2. Ability to Quit a Selected Job
  3. Ability to Quit All jobs
  4. AutoSave Job to Database!!!

Feature Two: Job Management Menu

  1. Hire Employees to your job!
  2. Promote/Demote Employees who are Online & Offline!
  3. Fire Employees who are Online & Offline!
  4. See the Last Online Time for any
    employee to check when they were last in the server!

Feature Three: Utility Features

  1. Discord Webhooks to log all features from Promotions to someone Quitting!
  2. Exports and Custom Name Config to show custom rank and society names without
    modifying job or grades for client and server side!
Export Explanation - Click to Expand

Example Explanation: If someone has the police job
and their rank is 0, you can use exports in your scripts to
show Blackwater Police and the rank of Cadet,
through marshal_multijob, in your scripts!

client side


server side


I will also offer support on how to do it!

Additional Features

  • Use Items to open the menu and lock to items being required
  • Custom item images
  • Job Whitelisting
  • Can set max jobs and limits, or have unlimited jobs
  • Easy to translate to any language
  • Comes with exports so you can easily expand multi jobs functionality through easy integration with your own scripts- Custom Animation when opening the menu
  • Auto-close inventory when opening with the menu
  • Ability to add Custom Notifications from other scripts
  • Slash Commands!
  • Easy to use Install Guide
  • Optimized


  • menuapi
  • vorp_inputs(Works in REDEMRP)

:camera:Video: Video Link
:convenience_store:Tebex: Store Link

Other Releases
:arrow_forward:Marshal Flags

Code is accessible Yes*
Subscription-based free
Lines (approximately) 1700+
Requirements menuapi & vorp_inputs
Support Yes

I use this job system on my server, and OMG it saves so much time. I don’t have to constantly switch players’ jobs or have my admin team do it anymore. And now we can actually have two jobs like being a cop or a blacksmith now, no more of this job lock crap. It just adds to the flow of everything that we do now. So I would say if your looking for at a list of scripts this should definitely be in your top five list. And the support that comes with this is fantastic. :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:

Does this allow you to restrict the number of jobs people can have? For example, can you limit it to 2 so players can’t work everywhere?

Hello I just added this feature in, you can enable job limits!

AMAZING! Thank you so much!

Awesome and free !!


i’m usin mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.36-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2

and the query to manage the employees does not work because of the ORDER BY, i mean more the syntax of the query:

((SELECT charidentifier AS cid, job AS job, jobgrade AS grade, firstname AS firstname, lastname AS lastname, NULL AS lastonline FROM characters WHERE job = "bountyhunter" AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM marshal_multi_jobs WHERE job = 'bountyhunter' AND charidentifier = cid)) UNION (SELECT cid AS cid, job AS job, jobgrade AS grade, firstname AS firstname, lastname AS lastname, lastonline AS lastonline FROM marshal_multi_jobs WHERE job = 'bountyhunter')) ORDER BY grade DESC;

Got error #1064

(SELECT charidentifier AS cid, job AS job, jobgrade AS grade, firstname AS firstname, lastname AS lastname, NULL AS lastonline FROM characters WHERE job = "bountyhunter" AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM marshal_multi_jobs WHERE job = 'bountyhunter' AND charidentifier = cid)) UNION (SELECT cid AS cid, job AS job, jobgrade AS grade, firstname AS firstname, lastname AS lastname, lastonline AS lastonline FROM marshal_multi_jobs WHERE job = 'bountyhunter') ORDER BY grade DESC;

Works perfectly

However I can’t edit the server.lua file, so it’s impossible for me to fix the problem.

You should re-read the rules when they post something, if they’re going to offer anything for free

  • Free releases: Releases that are released for free must contain a direct download and may not be Escrow protected, you may include a Tebex link but it may not be the only download.

with the new vorp update this no longer works, are you going to be updating?

Is it possible to switch jobs WITHOUT having to relog each time? In the server I play in, when we switch to one of our other jobs, we have to relog for it to take effect.