[PAID][QBCore] Surfboarding

:spiral_notepad: Description

Introducing our new Activity Script - Get ready to hit the waves and experience a new level of fun in the city. With this script, you can easily equip your surfboard and hit the water whenever youโ€™re near it. Surf like a pro and show off your skills to other players on the server. Get ready for the ultimate surfing experience!

:video_camera: Preview

:bookmark_tabs: Features

  • Surfboarding
  • Item that you can buy
  • Easy to use

:lock: Dependencies

  • Framework: QBCore

:shopping_cart: How to get it

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Other resources

:chains: Links

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~200
Requirements qb-core
Support Yes

ESX version? :smiley:

Not right now. Might make this ESX in a near future.

Does this have an engine sound for the surfboard?

yes it does

Ah ok, thanks.

You asked for it:

1 Like

If we can get the engine sound removed and make it hella alot slower would probably be a bit more realistic.