[PAID] [qbcore] qb-polmegaphone ( original GTA5 AI cop sounds and custom. )


Qb-polmegaphone allow players to shout original GTA5 AI cop sounds while you’re driving a whitelisted cars.
use F10 or /mp to open police mega phones while you are in a whitelisted police cars
this scriptfor qbcore only
cars and open menu key can be changed from config.lua
also included locales for translations



  • qb-core
  • qb-menu
  • interact-sound

buy here

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 150+
Requirements qbcore, qb-menu, interact-sound
Support Yes
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So whats different in yours then the free one ?

this one is standalone and use NativeUi
and qb-polmegaphone can be used for multip jobs ( police , ems …etc ) and use qb-menu for better performance

So a menu…

How can I change the sounds that already come, for others? comes encrypted


i will submit update soon but at this time you can use your own .ogg file and name it like this
clear_the_area.ogg and replace it in interact-sound

script updated and added ability to add your custom .ogg sounds

Thanks you very much !!

Very good idea!

thanks :heart:

Hello there i just bought the script and I do have the core name changed from qb-core to arp-core
and I cant change it cuz ur script is escrowed + no config let u change the core name

no problem i will push update that allow you to change the core but also your qb-menu renamed to arp-menu ?

yes too

good check i push update where you can change the core
check https://keymaster.fivem.net/asset-grants for download new update


did you test it ?

tnx buddy

dont rename qb-polmegaphone and test it
will push another update later so you can rename as you like

An P.A. System would be better than that. You should try to do one and sell it!

thanks for suggestion
yes i will update it and use pma-voice so players can use their voices too