[PAID][QB][ESX] Advanced speed camera/radar with sabotage and penalty point system and props

Advanced Speed camera/radar for Fivem servers with ESX legacy framework


  1. Penalty point system (when player reaches certain amount of penalty points they get their licence revoked). If player drives motorcycle he gets penalty point for motorcycle licence and so on.
  2. Sabotage system (players can sabotage speed cameras and other jobs can fix them)
  3. 4 options to whitelist who won’t get shot by speed cameras
  4. Speed camera and sign props
  5. Synced with all players
  6. Measurement in km or miles

Idle (0.00) max (0.06)

Video showcase

Config file:
configuration.lua (54.5 KB)

My other resources:
[ESX] Advanced mechanic job with upgrades and cosmetics as items

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600+
Requirements ESX Legacy/QB core, ox_lib, oxmysql, ox_target(optional) - if using sabotage
Support Yes
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Hey there , i am realy loving the idea of this script with the licences intergration ect . Quick question , i am using modded Radar props and pannels , can it be configured to use those props or do we have to use the props in the video ?

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damn , was ready to buy and realized its not for qb :frowning:

Would also suggest adding a feature that sends all that collected money to the jobs society if its not incorporated already.

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Hi, Luke. Thank you for your comment, you can change prop in configuration file, just change it’s name to your own prop, but now when i think about it, I probably forgot to implement flash animation height so you can adjust height to your prop. Will update it today so you can do that, but right now you should be able to change radar prop and sign prop :slight_smile:

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Hi Frequency, thank you for your comment, I didn’t think that people will like my idea so I just did it for my ESX server. I’m not very familiar with QB core, but I’ll try converting for Qbcore in a couple of days too :slight_smile: And about society, I kinda forgot that, but will do it :slight_smile: Thank you for suggestions :slight_smile:

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ahhh you where wrong , wee needed this script for years now lol

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The question is why when I restart the server the cameras do not work unless I restart the radars separately and after a certain time they stop working and in F8 console I get this error

Hi, what es_extended version you are using?(you can check that in fxmanifest.lua)

version ‘1.7.5’

Yeah so it’s because of an older es_extended, I will check it today, and let you know :slight_smile:

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now I found out as soon as you take someone’s license the radars stop working I think

You get any other errors in client or server console ?

Just pushed update to keymaster, it shouldn’t throw job nil error anymore, let me know if something don’t work :slight_smile:


now they don’t work at all the script won’t start

Hi, I think your configuration file is old, update it :slight_smile: It should have these two lines for each radar in config:


Now use is working without problems thanks for the quick response and support

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is it possible to make it so that when they sabotage the radar, the tool disappears from the inventory and that the money charged to the residents goes to the account of the police

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Hi, sure, I’ll add to config if you want items removed on use and about money to police account I already did that I think, if you choose Config.billing = ‘custom’ it should add to police society account. I’m away from PC right now, but i’ll check just to be sure.

So just checked, and Config.billing = ‘custom’ adds money to society as well, you can change it in cl_custom and sv_custom :slight_smile:

it is possible to make it so that when the player sabotages the radar, it removes the scissors and screwdriver from the inventory