[PAID] [QB/ESX] 919 ADMIN - The Ultimate Admin Menu

This simply looks like the txadmin menu XD


It shares some similarities, but its completely different.

where i set permission admin?

Can you tell me where to set the permission or how I can’t access the admin menu and I bought it

Did you add any permissions to the CFG?

Usually different admin menu’s and Anti cheat’s require exclusions

You set the permissions just like you do for anything else in QBCore. :slight_smile:
Setting Permissions - QBCore Documentation

Don’t purchase this script.
The script is extremely buggy, has a multitude of issues, and routinely hangs/crashes the server.
The developer has been made aware of these issues via multiple tickets, messages in his Discord from a large number of upset customers, yet he seems to have abandoned the script.
Created a ticket in his Discord over a week ago, still don’t have a response outside of;
"Most of these issues weren’t occurring last time I tested the resource. "

It’s disappointing for a premium resource to have such a poor level of support, and have such poorly written code.


Does it have permission systems so moderators only have certain permissions?

might have just been me but recently it has just stopped working for me with multiple errors. anyone else getting this?

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make this for ESX pls

It is compatible with ESX, I will update the thread soon :slight_smile:

Is ESX available? Because it hasn’t been updated.

:white_check_mark: 919 ADMIN 1.7.0 has been released!

➄ Several minor code refactors and improvements
➄ Only send admin panel logs to webhook instead of all intercepted logs
➄ Fixed uncuff self
➄ Add cuff/uncuff action to player menu
➄ Improved Database Setup

:white_check_mark: 919 ADMIN 1.7.1 has been released!

➄ Added several new user-configurable themes. These themes can be changed in the panel settings.

Waiting until this support for ESX

is there a video on how to install this bad boy and if so is it easy or hard?

Damn sucks it looked goodđŸ€§

Where do we go to get the script? Links aren’t working

Hey thanks for letting me know - had a domain issue it has been resolved.

The site should be back up soon! In the mean time you can access it here:

This Admin Menu looks really solid, I would love to see an update with Server Announcements and a /report system that is built in.