[PAID] [QB/ESX] 919 ADMIN - The Ultimate Admin Menu

When you open this menu with a large database of players It gets stuck trying to load all players an resmon increase significantly I bought this an can’t use it.

Damn that’s unfortunate I was looking forward to getting this menu, it looks amazing

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues with my resource. I would like to get to the bottom of it if we can. Please get in contact with me so we can troubleshoot this further.

:white_check_mark: 919 ADMIN 1.2.0 has been released!

New Stuff:

  • Added Permissions system. Now different actions can be locked to certain roles in config, with full inheritance based on assignable power level.
  • Updated Player View screen.


  • Major performance improvements on client and server side.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed player blips not disappearing as players leave the server.
  • Fixed noclip breaking sometimes forcing admins to relog.
  • Fixed delete character not working.

I will test with new updates today.

Permanent link is not working

What’s wrong with it? Its working fine for me

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919 ADMIN is 40% OFF until Monday, February 7th.


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919 ADMIN 40% OFF SALE is ending soon!

:white_check_mark: 919 ADMIN 1.2.2 has been released!

Permissions fixes:

  • Added a bunch of missing permissions, now everything in the menu should have customizable permissions.
  • New permissions: openinventory, time, deleteclosestvehicle, deleteclosestped, deleteclosestobject, repairvehicle, washvehicle, lockvehicle, unlockvehicle, maxperformanceupgrades, randomvisualparts, setlivery, setcolor, fillgastank, clearblood, wetclothes, dryclothes, forceradar, playerblips, invisibility, godmode, fastrun, superjump, noragdoll, infinitestam
  • Fixed some permissions that weren’t working properly
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Glad to see this Admin Menu is Still getting updates from the Original Developer, Keep up the Good work!

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I need ESX

:white_check_mark: 919 ADMIN 1.3.0 has been released!

New “Developer Actions” features on dashboard:

  • Copy Vector3 Position
  • Copy Vector4 Position
  • Request IPL (client-side, these are useful for testing interiorsets etc)
  • Unload IPL (client-side)

New feature on player view:

  • Give player clothing menu

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed time/weather not changing on newest qb-weathersync. If this breaks this feature, update your qb-weathersync.
  • Fixed bans not working properly.
  • Fixed freezing players freezes yourself.
  • Fixed enabling noclip sets position to vec3(0, 0, 0), or gives nil error

MySQL fix:

  • Updated MySQL queries to newest oxmysql version, fixing this warning:

[WARNING] qb-admin triggered a deprecated function! Exports from prior to v1.9.0 will be removed in a future update.

There is 1 new configurable permission: “ipl”, which allows your staff members to load and unload ipls on client side.

What’s the different if it’s OneSync Infinity vs Onesync?

OneSync Infinity enables server-sided versions of a lot of natives, which this resource uses.

919 ADMIN is 40% OFF until Sunday, April 3rd.


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919 ADMIN 40% OFF SALE is ending soon!

:white_check_mark: 919 ADMIN 1.3.2 has been released!

New Features:

  • Added entity wipes “Delete All Vehicles”, “Delete All Peds”, and “Delete All Objects” buttons to main menu. These have “are you sure?” confirmations to prevent accidental wipes.
  • Added config option “ShowIPInIdentifiers” that when set to false (default) will hide IP addresses in the player info view’s identifiers box.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug that caused the “No Clip” button in the panel to not work correctly.
  • Fixed bug that caused copy vec3 and vec4 position function to not work correctly.
  • Fixed bug that caused online staff count to not work correctly with latest QBCore.
  • Fixed bug that caused entries in online player list to not have color coded staff roles.
  • Removed counting offline staff from menu, fixing an error, as it is no longer possible in latest QBCore.

There is 1 new configurable permission: “massdeleteentities”, which allows your staff members to use the new entity wipe features.

:white_check_mark: 919 ADMIN 1.4.0 has been released!

New Features:

  • REPORTS SYSTEM - Adds a configurable panel for your players to submit support requests or player reports. These reports can be claimed by your staff, all staff get notified when a new report is placed or claimed, and there is a configurable limit for maximum unresolved reports (default 2). You can quickly view player info and actions from a report to assist them. The command to place a report is /report (this can be configured and disabled if you use another reports system). These reports do persist through restarts using JSON saving and this can be disabled in config to wipe reports on restarts. User-entered information in reports is sanitized to prevent XSS (security vuln).
  • ADMIN CHAT - Chat with your staff about sensitive topics or about random stuff in the private in-menu Admin Chat section. When not in the menu, you’ll receive notifications in bottom right showing messages sent by your staff.
  • MUCH IMPROVED NOCLIP - This new NoClip mode is very similar to txAdmin’s and uses a freecam view to more easily navigate your city. If you wish to use the old-style 919 Admin NoClip mode, it can be restored by changing the config value.

New Config Settings:

  • Config.NoClipType - 1 by default - use to switch between NEW NoClip system or continue to use old style system
  • Config.EnableReportCommand - true by default - false disables the report command
  • Config.ReportCommand - “report” by default - use to change the report menu command
  • Config.MaxReportsPerPlayer - 2 by default - use to change the maximum amounts of unresolved reports a player can have (remember to delete reports after they are resolved)
  • Config.SaveReportsToJSON - true by default - false disables the saving of reports to JSON on restart

Smaller Changes:

  • Changed gradient colors in menu sidebar to improve readability on certain displays.
  • Reordered the menu sidebar to be more organized and more accurately reflect each page’s functions.
  • Improved README.md by adding info about setting up previously undocumented “adminactions” logs from the menu with can be accessed using qb-logs webhooks in your discord server.

There is 4 new configurable permissions: “adminchat”, “viewreports”, “claimreport”, “deletereport”


I need help how to give me permission to access the admin menu