[PAID] NProbleM Complaint (Realistic Complaint Script) [QBCORE, ESX]


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NProbleM Complaint Script - Written Expression

Our FiveM complaint script streamlines the process for handling player reports and enhances the efficiency of police work. Players can fill out detailed complaint forms that include the following information: the person being reported, the time and location of the incident, the type of crime, additional details, and any accompanying photos or videos. They also specify which department the complaint should be forwarded to.

Once a form is submitted, it is automatically added to the police database. Officers can then access these forms through a user-friendly interface, which allows them to filter the reports by department and review all relevant details. They can sort the forms by status whether they are new, in process, or resolved and select specific dates to view complaints from particular days.

Officers have the ability to view and manage each complaint, including playing any attached media such as photos and videos. This ensures they can assess each case thoroughly. Additionally, they can update the status of the forms to reflect their progress, enabling them to efficiently track and address ongoing and new complaints. This system provides a comprehensive and organized approach to managing player reports, ultimately leading to more effective policing and quicker resolution of issues.

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +100
Requirements QBCore or ESX
Support Yes